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Elements 9 upgrade info

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<p>Elements only costs $100, and you're getting a substantial amount of the power of the $700 Photoshop CS5 in it. When I was buying Elements, I just ponied up for the new version, and was very happy at what I was getting. And I can't recall ever getting a discounted upgrade for Elements.</p>

<p>I don't know if they do it any more, but after I had bought <em>and registered </em>a few versions of Elements, Adobe sent me a coupon to upgrade to the full version of Photoshop CS at less than half the retail price. I sprung for that, and have been using it ever since. My only regret is not keeping up with the updates to that, because now I'm back to having to buy at full retail price.</p>

<p>If you can't find an upgrade price on Adobe's website, they don't offer one.</p>

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<p>Once it has been on the market for a few months, there will be discounts and rebates - especially during the Holiday season.</p>

<p>This past Spring, I purchased Elements 8 for $35, after a mail in rebate, from Amazon.com. Even if Adobe offered an upgrade, it would be more than that. If it had not been from Amazon or another well known retailer, I would have been very wary of that low a price.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Before upgrading, look at the list of what's new and improved and ask whether you actually need it. I've used three versions of Elements (and one more of its predecessor, Photoshop LE), and each time I've skipped a few versions along the way because none of the new stuff was worth the cost of the upgrade. I probably wouldn't even have bothered with upgrading from 5 to 8 if it weren't for Adobe's policy of not making newer versions of ACR compatible with older versions of their software, which would mean that I'd have to keep flipping back and forth between Elements and some other RAW converter (whether the camera vendor's or a RAW-to-DNG converter) in order to use 5 to edit pictures taken with my current camera.</p>
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<p>Adobe doesn't offer upgrades for PSE, but if you buy over the next 2 months there is a $20 rebate. And Amazon has it for $89, so the final price $69.<br>

Adobe never gives much away.<br>

I have 8 and not sure whether I will update, as I do 98% of my editing with Aperture and Nik Software.</p>

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