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Is Fuji mailer gone?

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<p>Hi all,<br>

I just found that I don't have many Fuji mailers left and tried to get some more. However, both B&H and Adorama have Fuji mailers on back orders now. And according to their website, they "have no delivery date at this time." Is this a temporary thing or the Fuji mailer is gone forever?</p>

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<p>I asked about this a while ago. I would be surprised if any more of these mailers turn up as "new" items for sale from any major retailer. Based on the last batch of slides I got back from Kansas I'm not sure the mailers are still a good idea. I still project slides so shooting color negative film and scanning it would not help me. Denver Digital Imaging/The Slideprinter and A&I in Los Angeles still do very good E6 work and that's where I will send my slide film.</p>
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<p>Did you mean that the work done by Dwayne's in Parsons, KS (where we sent the Fuji mailers to) is not as good as before? What happened to your last batch?</p>

<p>Yes, I've heard of Denver Digital Imaging but never tried it. Just used their website and <a href="http://www.theslideprinter.com/information/contact-e6-giclee-processing/#form"></a>requested order forms & mailers. Let's see how things work out.</p>

<p>As a student, I feel that the cost for film processing is getting higher and higher. Will probably consider getting a JOBO and develop films myself in the future :)</p>

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<p>Probably there's no money in it for anybody. If you place your order with Dwayne's there's no middle man and the price is higher. With the Fuji mailers, the price is shared by Dwayne's, Fuji, and the retailer who sells the mailers. When the contract ran out Dwayne's would have had to try to set the price higher, and Fuji wouldn't have been interested in trying to sell more expensive mailers. It just doesn't make much sense given the way the business works now.</p>
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<p>I think Andrew has it right. The clock is ticking on E6 anyway. When I use a DSLR I can push a button and have 800 ISO, with good results. If I want to buy what I coinsider to be the best 800 speed color print film, Portra 800, I have to be willing to pay almost $10 a roll from even the largest retailers. When a roll of slide film with processing and mailing costs reaches $25 there just won't be as many people interested in using it.</p>
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<p>Hopefully, things are going to improve. Just found this message on the Unique site. You might want to order from Rich at x263, as he's been pretty good in my experience. I just hope they'll develop Kodak E-6 too, as that is my preference.<br /> <strong></strong><br /> <strong>Dear Slide Film Mailer Customer:</strong><br /> Fujifilm Slide Mailers are a great way to enjoy all of the exciting Fujichrome films. We currently have Provia 100, Provia 400, Velvia 50, Velvia 100, Velvia 100F, Astia 100 and T64.<br /> Our mailers provide an easy way to shoot and process your slide film, with the ease of having it delivered back to you from our quality lab. The mailers are going through an exciting change. We will now offer <strong><em>35mm and 120mm developing</em></strong>.<br /> We apologize for the delay in the transition to the new expanded service. We expect to have the new mailers ready and to the dealers by October 15<sup>th</sup>, 2010.<br /> Fujifilm North America Corporation appreciates your support of our film products and we will continue to offer a selection of chrome films for you to enjoy.<br /> Please visit <a href="http://www.fujifilmusa.com/">http://www.fujifilmusa.com</a> for more information on all our products.<br /> Sincerely,<br /> Brandon Remler<br /> Fujifilm North America Corporation<br /> http://store.uniquephoto.com/e/index.php/traditional-photography/mailers/pre-paid-processing-mailer-36-exposures-e-6-fujichrome-ektachrome-600006359.html</p>
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<p>Yeah Jeff, I hear ya. I remember just the last time I ordered these, and I think that they were right around 5 bucks, weren't they? And that was up quite a bit from just a year or so before... The same with the good films.</p>

<p>As all over corporate America, I guess the exec's. need another mill or so (each year!, not a one time thing!), and the hell with everyone else. The whole film pricing situation is especially ironic, I think, given how so many of us have supported film photography both in the market place, and here, and this is what we get for it. Jeez, what's next, will the greedy slime ship the work to China?</p>

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<p>It looks like they're going to be available by Oct. 15 according to the Unique site. That letter was dated Aug. 31. Unique's quoting $6.25 ea., I think, and $5.99 ea. for an order of 15 or more. These increases are getting hard to take, and hopefully that will stop.</p>

<p>If you scroll down this page, you should be able to see the whole thing.<br /> http://store.uniquephoto.com/e/index.php/traditional-photography/mailers/pre-paid-processing-mailer-36-exposures-e-6-fujichrome-ektachrome-600006359.html</p>

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<p>I have been waiting for the Fuji mailer as well, used to buy 5 per pack. It looks like Adorama has single mailer in stock (more expensive), the cheaper 5 per pack has been out of stock for a long time. I wouldn't hold my breath to see it becomes available. I think the 5 bucks mailer is gone for good.</p>
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<p>120 film - GREAT !!! Fuji UK has offered this for a while now, very glad they are doing it here too. I think this is long overdue, and they should be getting some good business off the the 120 option too now. Just wish they would offer CD vouchers too (like Fuji UK). Anyways, this is great news, as Dwaynes/Fuji does great work IME.</p>
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