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Again..signs your photo habit may be getting out of hand

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<p>You buy your rain and winter jackets 2 sizes too big so you can tuck your camera in out of the elements.</p>

<p>When your spouse/partner/co-worker/friend asks you what the weather is like, you answer in ISO settings - 100 = sunny, 200 = light overcast, etc. You are surprised when they don't understand.</p>

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<p>1 - You have all the rooms of your house, restaurant you vist, movie theaters, deparment stores metered with the correct EV and you KNOW by memory everything.<br>

2 - You arrive to any new place and inmediatly estimate the EV. And later, when you have a camera, you check it out. If you are correct, it makes you happy. If you are not you recheck all day your mind algorithm and new "If"s<br>

3 - You spend more than 4 hours daily checking photo forums, stores, ebay and anything related to photography in the internet<br>

4- You feel guilty if you dont shoot at least 10,000 photos a month<br>

5 - You have some version of CAS (Camera adquisition syndrome). That means you have purchased more than 20 objects related to photography in the past 8 months. And you DONT tell you wife about it.</p>

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<p>....your wife <strong>always ''</strong>reminding'' you daily to clean up the office/digital darkroom, and one day every other week you do and then it's back to its usual "orderliness" by the next morning.</p>

<p>To me Good Order is CHAOS. (good order on your PC's folders though is mandatory)</p>

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<p>Nathan this always happens to me, my interest in outing is only for photography. And, just recently I was ever-happy-ready to went mountains just for photography, I mean that trip was dirt if I had not brought my gear with me.</p>

<p>My other signs related to this post:</p>

<p>a) Shelves, cabinets are filled with camera related stuff (I collect classic cameras too, have around 20 of them)<br>

b) Spend majority of time on photography forums, galleries etc.<br>

c) In my mind always think that I am in the viewfinder and evaluate different compositional adjustment and light conditions.<br>

d) My wife is totally sick-and-tired of this madness.<br>

e) The major chunk of my saving goes to related stuff.<br>

f) I get very upset with my daughter when she doesn't 'cooperates' with me on photographing her (making her still is one of the hardest thing).<br>

g) Unknown urge to visit the local zoo again and again.<br>

h) When job is affected with photography and boss points out that you are giving more attention to photography than to work.</p>

<p>I am sure there are more for me but right now I cannot concentrate much.</p>

<p>~ Riz</p>

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