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Can someone help identify this item?

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<p>I got this item from a bunch of darkroom stuff I bought at the flea market but got no idea what it is - it's marked Durst. If I depress part of the handle there is an electrical discharge on the three points at the curved end of the thing (got zapped by it). Can the knowledgeable folks here please help me identify it - and what it is for? Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!<br>

<a title="Durst_S by jun.c, on Flickr" href=" Durst_S src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4122/4931626352_64a78570b2.jpg" alt="Durst_S" width="500" height="278" /></a></p>

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<p>If it is similar to Zerostat then it has a a small piezo electric crystal. Somehow the charge produced can neutrallize the static charges.<br>

I've always used Static Master brushes. They have a strip of Polonium which emits alpha particles. Since an alpha particle is a helium nucleus "in search of two electrons" it has the ability to counteract static charges if correctly used. Lately I've noticed these brushes are quite expensive.</p>

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