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what I should do?

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<p>I shoot Ilford FP4+ 125 film and use Jobo cpp2 and PCTEA (1:50) to develop my film. According to Anal zone system, I like zone V density around 0.7 and zone VIII around 1.25-1.30. But even I got zone V around 0.75, zone VIII just about 1.20. Should I should at lower ISO such as ISO100 or ISO80 or do other adjustment?</p>
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<p>PC TEA is an ascorbate/phenidone developer, not pyro.</p>


<p>I don't understand the problem. Are you having trouble printing the negative, or are you trying to calibrate your exposure/development? If the latter, increasing exposure won't change the relationship of zone V to zone VIII, it will just move both up the density scale. Increasing development will increase the angle of the characteristic curve (also known as contrast), and so the relationship of zone V to zone VIII will change as you'd like. </p>

<p>Short answer: develop a little more.</p>

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<p>To know how to answer your question we need to know if you have a Zone I density of 0.10 above film base + fog. If you do, your development is not linear; increasing or decreasing development will be a the expense of the other density. Decreasing development for Zone V will drop Zone VIII and increasing for Zone VIII will boost Zone V. If you have not performed the Zone I density test you can increase the ISO to drop Zone V and increase development to boost Zone VIII. You will need to test at ISO 180 and 250 to see which brings you closest to your target densities.</p>


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<p>The anal zone system? Yep, that about describes it. Adams invented the system as a teaching tool. When you teach, you come up with things to help the students understand what you are saying. Once they understand the point you are making, they can safely forget the teaching example and get on with the work. Some of the most boring pictures I have ever seen were made following the system, which sadly has become the goal in itself.</p>
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<p>Thanks Bruce for the comment on the zone system. I agree with you. I was wondering about ridged adherence to the zone system being a good thing or not, I have been a little afraid to post a comment for fear of someone thinking that is was disrespecting Ansel Adams, which I am not at all. I think to be creative we have to push the envelope, to judge the photograph in terms does it, the photograph, work (look right) or not. And try not to get too artsy f--tsy in the process.</p>
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<p>Thanks for Paul and ohters, you just gave me the answer I wanted. I did shut at ISO 80 and 100 and I believe that pushed me to EX shoulder further. I will try to shoot at 180 or higher. I also understand that Zone system is not only way to do photograph. But I am a novice and zone system is good and easy way to follow.<br>

thanks again.</p>

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