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Need to make a website fast

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<p>Sorry if this is a question better placed in a different forum, but I looked into this a few months ago and found an answer really quick. That answer is now nowhere to be found.<br>

I'm taking some photos of a little league baseball game tonight and this weekend. Several of the folks there have urged me to take photos of their kids and get a website together.<br>

I'm just needing a place on the net where I can put the photos I take in numbered fashion so those people that want to buy something can get in touch with me with which number photograph(s) they want, in what size. There are sites that allow people to order from them directly, but I don't know if issues like cropping and such would work the best that way... Still, any advice on websites would be appreciated.<br>

I also need advice on how to resize the photos to make them suitable for viewing but unsuitable for printing if hijacked from the site. Or advice on how to make a watermark.<br>


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<p>I have used MorePhotos.com for many years. Once it is set up, you can load quickly, includes cropping options, and the client pays you directly. You order prints and send out, or load to a provider that does that for you. Also has watermark built into the program. You do not need to resize, the built in photo mover resizes images for you.... you can look at sample website options, and choose what you like.<br>

Monthly fee for up to 2500 images. No percentage of sales charges.<br>

Good luck....Diane</p>

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