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Arista EDU Ultra 400 (Foma) - No edge markings???

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<p>I recently developed some Arista EDU Ultra 400 and it came out with no edge markings whatsoever. Is this normal? The film was from 100-foot rolls that I purchased a year or so ago. It was exposed at ISO 1600 and stand developed in Rodinal 1:100 for two hours. Outside of a tiny bit of uneven development (need to refine the processing just a bit, me thinks) the images look quite nice. But still, no edge markings...</p>

<p>Sorry if this has been covered before. I searched but came up empty.</p>

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<p>It is normal for Arista. EDU Ultra in bulk rolls of 35mm film to come without edge markings. In fact, that the one thing about Arista.ED"U Ultra films sold in bulk that really makes me nuts. None of the films, the 100 speed, the (recently defunt) 200 speed, or the 4oo speed films have them. Factory loaded cassettes do have rebate marks. I'm not sure if the same film with the Foma brand has markings. Every other film I've ever bought in bulk has some kind of rebate marks, but not this one.</p>
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