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sprint chemicals with different developer

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<p>i was wondering if there would be any problem with using say, D76 or Rodinal developer with Sprint stop bath and fixer? my school uses Sprint developer which as yet i havent used, but i want to play around with developers anyway.</p>
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<p>No problem at all. I mix and match stuff all the time. While I'm particular about developers, decisions about which stop bath and fixer to use are based on a cost/performance analysis and nothing more. What Larry said about stop bath is the deal. It's nothing but very dilute acetic acid with a pH indicating dye. It works without the dye too, except that it's a little harder to tell when it's exhausted. Fixer is fixer. It's either sodium or ammonium thiosulfate. Both work equally well. The ammonium version is faster and has more capacity than the sodium version.</p>
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