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Same color space but colors are different in Lightroom and Photoshop.....

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<p>Hi All,<br /> Today I saw something I have not seen before. I used lightroom and opened it in photoshop and it has real difficulties to see the RED color. It is very different!<br /> I checked the colorspace in lightroom and photoshop - both use ProRGB.<br /> What is the reason for this? Now I am not sure who displays the "true" color - lighroom or photoshop??<br /> <br />Appreciate any help!<br />Magnus</p>
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<p>Make sure you are NOT using a Version 4 ICC display profile. Also, you need to view at 100% (1:1) in Develop to compare to the same zoom in Photoshop (although the differences seen above would not account for this big a disconnect). </p>

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p >What is "version 4 ICC" and how can I make sure I am NOT using it?</p>








Its an option in the software that builds a profile for the display when you calibrate it (check the preferences).




Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p>Its an option in the software that builds a profile for the display when you calibrate it (check the preferences).</p>


<p>Andrew, Is this an option in PSCS4 or Lightroom. I don't own the latter and have never seen it in the former.</p>

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<p>Its an option in the software that builds the ICC profile (Spyder, EyeOne Display etc). <br>

Also check your Photoshop color settings (policies for preserve, warning check boxes on) as you may have a disconnect here in color spaces between the two apps. </p>

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p>ProPhoto RGB renders colors beyond what we're seeing on our monitors. Different programs handle displaying those colors differently (dithering), but I would think two Adobe products would be the same. Have you seen the differece in prints or just the display?</p>
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