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Pentax SP with a 35mm f2 Super Multi-Coated Super Takumar. Gift # 8 from Suzuki-san


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<p>Today, was Earth Day so I loaded up another recycled camera and lens and headed out to take some photos. Today, I used another gift from Suzuki-san; a Pentax SP with a 35mm f2 Super Multi-Coated Takumar. The lens is quite rare. I have only ever seen one other Pentax m42 35mm f2 before. The one I have reminds me more of a 135mm f3.5 or 105mm f2.8 because the barrels is long and narrow as opposed to other one I saw a few months which was wide and short. Either way I do not care as the lens performs quite well. It looks ugly for sure. The filter ring has a few dents and makes mounting a filter ring impossible at the moment. However, the glass is clear and focusing is very smooth. The camera has seen better days. There are a lot of pot marks on it and the viewfinder is dirty, but the shutter operates as it should, so again who care about appearance if it works.</p>

<p>Anyway, please check out the results. I was once again delighted to see that Pentax produced another real winner with this lens.</p>

<p>I used Arista 400 developed in Kodak 4 to1 developer at 6 minutes 10 seconds at 20C.</p>


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<p>Great series! The Garden and Sleeping Vendor are excellent. Like all Pentax SMC lenses, yours yield great results. I've just screwed my SMC 35mm f/3.5 onto my ESII to shoot with today. The f/2's have gotten quite expensive. I just love the color and contrast of these Pentax lenses. I want the 28mm f/3.5 and 200mm f/4 next (anybody want to trade?)<br>

This past week I received a nice hardbound copy of The Pentax Way (1974) by Herbert Keppler. A delightful book and must read for all Pentax M42 users. </p>


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<p>Very Sharp and great contrast too. These Takumars are just incredible.. I'd like to get one too for my SP509. I've only got<br>

3 lenses and in the M42 world that is not very many! This focal length is one I enjoy and you'Ve really used it well here. I too like the garden a lot! Excellent work !!</p>


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<p>The Garden & Sleeping Vendor are excellent shots Michael, well done. I love my SP (Honeywell) and SP500 (Asahi), although the SP500 has some shutter curtain issues. None of my other SLR's gives me the tactile pleasure that I get when shooting with these beauties. I have a 35/3.5 Super Tak, and I find that the focal length is good for a walkabout lens. I like it.</p>

<p>Keep on posting! I love your work.</p>

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<p>Nice lens! Is this the 49mm filter version? I am aware of the fatter one with 67mm filter size. Have you shot any colorwork with this lens?<br>

I would be most interested to see some color work with this lens. I have a similar lens, but my lens is a tad too Yellow. Easy fix by sticking it in UV light.</p>

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<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>Thanks for the nice comments about the photos. I enjoyed taking. Using a 35mm lens for every photo was a challenge. I did not take another lens with me, so I had to really think about composition. I guess that is a good thing.</p>

<p>Evan, the lens I have is a 49mm thread. I have not used it for color as of yet.</p>

<p>Bebu, I am not related to Suzuki-san. I frequented his camera store a lot before he closed it two-months. He cleaned out the store of old stock and cameras left by customers and give them to me.</p>

<p>SP, no time for the Industar yet. My little girl is taking up a lot of my time. I have not been able to get any synthetic grease.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the nice comments.</p>


<p> </p>

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Mike, try any supermarket in the automobile lubricants section; you will get Front-end Bearing grease with Molybdenum and/or Lithium soap; Grade 3 would be fine for Japan. If you are going to Siberia in Winter then use Grade 2. They are available in tubes like tooth paste tubes, branded a AP3, AP2 etc., [for All Purpose]. Cost about US$2.00 here. Should not be a lot more in Japan. Cheers, sp
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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>This lens is very sharp and worth having it C.L.A.d by a professional, I would strongly advise you not to attempt it yourself if lenses are dismantled they need to be re-collimated on an optical bench to ensure the elements are parallel to each other and the lens centres line up to a central datum line, I just had my thirty nine years old 35 Canon FD 35mm f2 Thorium lens serviced by a professional for very little money, and it's like new, I can't believe how smooth it is, wouldn't attempt to do it myself.</p>
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