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FD photos for the month of March...


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<p>Please post your FD photos (maximum of 6) taken during the month of March or before and include a brief description of the equipment used. Remember to keep the long side down to 700 pixels in order to post in-line. As always, this is not a critique, but your comments are welcome.</p>
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<p>I sent another handful of film in my shoebox o' film of to Dwaynes for finishing. Can't say they were taken in March, some may be several years old, but at least they were developed in march. One of the problems of being a bit of a collector is after so long I can't remember which bodies I shot most of these on. I should mark my film.</p><div>00W8a1-233655584.jpg.eac23646d60650f0d663b239b0b3c3c5.jpg</div>
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Great photographs, people! I'm off to a vintage car rally tomorrow, <strong>Stuart</strong>, and I'll see if I can do as well. Love the Graden Gate, <strong>Luis</strong>, and that rope pic is just my thing, <strong>Chris</strong>. Nice to see some experimentation <strong>Tim</strong>, and <strong>Tony</strong>, what can I say? It's just like being at home, but more nicely done.





I post a few...I left the old FTb with a Fuji Superia 200 in her throughout last month, and these are some of the results.<div>00W9Ci-233923684.thumb.jpg.910350c4168c56855331e5163f36aabc.jpg</div>

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<p>Wonderful stuff! Rick - the hot cross buns are pure poetry.<br>

After ages, I finally finished up a roll in readiness for this thread...but unfortunately Duggals messed up the CD and I can't open the files! Will have to post them up separately. Sorry all.</p>

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<p>Very enjoyable, everyone.</p>

<p>My three cents worth this month...I've been busy with other projects, so I grabbed a box of slides processed in March, 2005. Since I usually have several rolls idling in several bodies, the images don't necessarily agree with the season. These are shot on Velvia 100F.</p><div>00WAZu-234525584.jpg.672860b12854028cd8efffb058cddb0e.jpg</div>

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