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why does canon still put that print button on cameras?


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<p>I don't think they "still" put that print button on their cameras. There's not one on my 5D2, though you can still print directly using menu option.</p>

<p>I hope you find a better use for photo.net than using it as a place to grouse about a button on four-year-old cameras.</p>

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<p><strong><em><big>DON’T TOUCH IT!</big></em></strong></p>




<p>That button is hard-wired to the launch commands for a randomly-selected ICBM in either the US or

Russia’s arsenal. It was part of the secret negotiations of the START II treaty…they

figured it was a good way to render the missiles practically useless without rendering them technically

useless. No, it doesn’t make sense to me, either, but, then again, neither did any of all that

MAD stuff.</p>


<p>Anyway, the only reason that the surface of the earth hasn’t been reduced to a smoldering

radioactive pile of rubble is because nobody would ever think to actually press those buttons. I mean,

they’re so obviously useless, why waste time doing seeing what they do?</p>


<p>So please, do your bit to promote the longevity of the planet and DON’T PRESS THE






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<p>Many of us have voiced the waste of "real estate" caused by the direct print button, which could have been used for far more useful purposes and/or as a programmable button. I think Canon heard many complaints about that as well which is precisely why you don't see it on the 5D MKII (but it was on the 5D) -<br>

It was a very silly choice to have it in the first place since direct-access to shooting function using buttons is much more important than direct access to printing, for example, as one would never print while holding the camera in shooting position. That's what the MENU is for: accessing other functions.<br>

I think Canon finally got it though :)</p>

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<p>My 7D has one, but one but it is duel purpose: RAW/JPEG and Direct Print. Still has the little printer icon under it. </p>


<p>There's not one on my 5D2, though you can still print directly using menu option.</p>


<p>I guess you must have the 5DIII as mine still sports a Direct Print button, albeit now a combo LV, Print, Share button. Still has the little printer icon below it (top back, left,).<br>

<br /><br>

It's said to be useful at parties for quick printing. I've read a few posts where guys said they used it once a year at birthday parties...</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Well, Canon does produce a nice line of Selphy printers and they want to sell those too. I guess they hope that people think "Well, now I have a button to print directly from the camera, I surely need a printer..."</p>


<p>I almost bought a printer because of this button. I'm still undecided. </p>

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