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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC 2010: #12

Matt Laur

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<p>Hello Nikon Wednesday people! Great collection, as always!</p>

<p><strong>Markku</strong>, I really like this one a lot!<br /> <strong>Filip</strong>, simple but very effective and even joyful.<br /> <strong>Doug</strong>, so very beautiful capture!<br /> <strong>Rick</strong>, another joyful bird-photo! The way it seems to dance is somehow captivating.<br /> <strong>Gej</strong>, this is like an abstract image of flat textures and at the same time this looks like something that forces the viewer to take a walk at the stairs. Nice capture!<br /> <strong>Epp</strong>. adorable image! Makes me smile.</p>

<p>At this week, I take a dive into old archives from the last fall. This was shot at last September. Nikon D200 + Nikon AF 80-200/2.8, 1/250s, f:3.5, ISO 400.</p>

<p> </p><div>00W4oP-231807584.jpg.3d30f46f47b6e7cadaea4ac3fa58ed67.jpg</div>

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<p>Happy Wednesday everyone. Once again, great photos. It was pretty rainy here all of last week, but it did stop long enough for me to get one afternoon session in. This shot leaves me longing for a full frame sensor. 24mm on a crop sensor camera just isn't wide enough sometimes. :-(</p><div>00W4oS-231807784.jpg.7afd897a81d78951a63a260f6292f8e9.jpg</div>
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Hey Moderator! I'm not keen on this new "auto-degredation" feature in the thread. How long has this re-jaypegging been in place? I can understand stripping the exif data away, but most of the detail seems to go with it. Any chance of a lower recompression ratio to at least give a semblence of quality?
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<p>Just in... after going through many macro shots, thought of trying something using non-macro lens. My macro lens is on the way.</p>

<p>I tried using Tamron 17-50mm with as close as possible i.e. minimum focusing distance, it looks pretty good.</p>

<p>Nikon D90<br /> Exposure Time = 1/3"<br />F Number = F5.6<br />ISO Speed Ratings = 800<br />Focal Length = 50mm</p>

<p>Thanks,<br /> Ray</p>

<p>Forgot to mention: I zoomed image at 100% in PS and then cropped it... not sure if this is the right way to get 100% of the image.</p>

<p>One more thing if anyone is interested in "what is it?", it's an eraser (my daughter left it) lying on the table.</p><div>00W4pZ-231815684.thumb.jpg.69edffbeb29197fb020afa5f6a4cde96.jpg</div>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2403817">Rodeo Joe</a> , Mar 24, 2010; 05:48 p.m.</p>

<p>Hey Moderator! I'm not keen on this new "auto-degredation" feature in the thread. How long has this re-jaypegging been in place? I can understand stripping the exif data away, but most of the detail seems to go with it. Any chance of a lower recompression ratio to at least give a semblence of quality?</p>


<p>The EXIF data of your image are still in place - and actually show that the focal length used was 135mm. From the image that I posted in this thread, I can't find an indication of a lower JPEG compression - I uploaded a 700x467 image that is 161KB on my hard drive - and it still is that size in this thread. Since I used "save for web", the EXIF data of my image were stripped before uploading.<br /> Will be interesting to learn what the moderators have to say about this...</p>

<p>A few favorites this week: <strong>Gej Jones</strong>' circular staircase, <strong>Rick Moran</strong>'s Yellowlegs - awesome reflection, <strong>Roberta Davidson</strong>'s daisy drops, and <strong>Jeff Lipsman</strong>'s tubed surfer.</p>

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<p>Happy Wednesday and excellent shots everyone!!! My favorites today are from:<br>

Lil Judd - very nice macro :-)<br>

Paula Wang - great shot...the insect adds good drama.<br>

Dieter Schaefer - outstanding pose and very nice colors...love this one!<br>

Rick Moran - great pose and reflection!<br>

Roberta Davidson - love the flower image in the droplets!!!<br>

Here's mine for this week (made in the Desert Botanical Garden at Phoenix, Arizona).</p><div>00W4ua-231853684.jpg.3595d34c6bfa625da080271f3cee976b.jpg</div>

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<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2403817">Rodeo Joe</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/member-status-icons"></a>, Mar 24, 2010; 05:48 p.m.</p>


<p>Hey Moderator! I'm not keen on this new "auto-degredation" feature in the thread. How long has this re-jaypegging been in place? I can understand stripping the exif data away, but most of the detail seems to go with it. Any chance of a lower recompression ratio to at least give a semblence of quality?</p>


<p>Sorry Rodeo Joe, I too have no idea what you are talking about. If you have any further questions, try to use the Site Help Forum.</p>

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<p ><strong >WedNEsDAy PiC #12</strong></p>

<p > </p>

<p >The “Death Rattle”! Once you here that sound ... you do what Johnny Walker does … you just keep walking. Thank you to Issac Sam and Mark Mandell for your comments on my kookaburra last week.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Camera: Nikon D300</p>

<p >Lens: AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200 mm f/2.8G IF-ED plus TC-14EII</p>

<p >Settings: 250 mm, 1/1603 sec, f/4.0 and ISO 200 (Manual, tripod, VR off)</p><div>00W4wg-231865584.thumb.jpg.72c20090e977af2aacf7f50f74e224f0.jpg</div>

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<p>Bill, Thank You for enjoying my rose and acknowledging it, your Lupine is a beauty too. So many awesome flowers on here to admire, where does one start. And also Roberta, with those simply fantastic water drops, I know you made a mention about my Adopt-a-Kitty week 4 and I want to make sure I acknowledge your consideration. Sanford, I'm glad it was someone else this week ;-) OK, I enjoyed every shot thoroughly, but here's a few I held onto for whatever reason. Vineet's cows, Tim's St. Pat's portrait, Gabrielle's snow shot, Martin Z park bench, Joe Walsh's abstract, Narayan what a great flower, the cats and guitars. Cheers, Dave</p>
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<p>I love this page. Some of my favorites:</p>


<li>Vineet: thanks for bringing us this amazing scene</li>

<li>Kent: great use of monchrome</li>

<li>Martin: just seeing this makes me relax</li>

<li>Emilie: incredible, sensual trees</li>


<p>My photo is of Tibetan Folk Dancers waiting to perform in the "America by Air" exhibit of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. I liked the intense colors and contrast, both visual and topical.</p><div>00W4zM-231879584.jpg.f930fe47c9e2d105e8a327eb3e16f445.jpg</div>

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<p>My picture this week is taken during a dance competition in which my daughter competed last Saturday. The girls compete in 2 disciplines: Freestyle/Discojazz and Slowdance. The former is very fast and energydraining, and each heat has a duration of 70 seconds, during which the judges has to decide which girls (often 5 or 6 out of 15 per heat) will go on to next round. Lots of loud music with heavy beat, so I have started to use ear protection...</p>

<p>This image is taken during the "slowdance" discipline, which has a more ballet like pace, but with modern music. Avaliable light, no flash this time as I wanted to try spot metering instead of matrix mode. D300, Sigma 50-150mm @ 50mm, ISO 3200, f3,2, 1/250sec, Manual mode with Auto ISO</p><div>00W53m-231921684.jpg.923fef37c75bd41a9ebc8229358d3ec3.jpg</div>

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