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Ideal photo size (in pixels)


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<p>“It depends.”</p>


<p>I personally follow the Photo.net guidelines and constrain all my pictures, including drop shadow, to no

more than 700 pixels in either dimension. If you don’t have any compelling reason to do otherwise,

it’s a pretty good compromise. Of course, if you <em>do</em> have compelling reasons —

well, then, be compelled!</p>





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<p>Another "it depends"...<br /> <br /> You need to decide how you want your pages to look on various sized browsers/screens.<br /> <br /> For example, I wanted my site's <a href="http://moving-target-photos.com/">main page</a> , to work on as small a screen/window as possible so it would look good for almost anyone landing there. I kept the photo there to 600x450 pixels.<br /> <br /> OTOH, in <a href="http://moving-target-photos.com/WIC/2009StPaulWinterCarnival/slides/IMG_3641_900x600.html">some of my galleries</a> , I used photos as large at 900x600 because I expected that people who clicked into there were interested in seeing the photos and would be willing to maximize their browser (and maybe scroll around a bit if they had a small screen).</p>
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<p>i was told in a previous critique that a site should be no larger then 760pixels in height. any thoughts?</p>


<p>I assume that suggestion came from an (implicit) assumption that the smallest screen-size that the image would be viewed on is 768 pixels high (a common 4:3 laptop screen resolution was 1024x768 - in the widescreen era 1200x768 is also very common).</p>

<p>Personally, 760 is a bit tall. The frame and controls around most browsers is (way) more that 8 pixels. FWIW, the 600 pixel high limit I mentioned in my earlier post allows a 1024x768 screen to show the full image (although there will likely be some scrolling involved to center it).</p>

<p>OTOH, if your target audience is guaranteed to have 1080p or 1600x1200 monitors, you could (probably "should") size your images larger.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>My website is horizontal scrolling, so I limit the vertical size of the pictures.<br>

Assuming tha 1024x768 is the minimum resolution nowadays ( if it's 800x600, then it's proobably not a potential customer ) I set my images:<br>

- Main page: 970 x 580 ( max size with just the photo ).<br>

- Galleries: unlimited x 480 ( max size keeping room for two buttons down ).<br>

I hope it helps...</p>

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