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Do you keep one of these ?

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<p>I was curious to know if any members here keep a book of photography ideas. It doesn't even have to be a fancy bound book to qualify. It could even be just ideas written on scraps of paper or the back of bar napkins cobbled together in a shoebox. For me, it usually will include a very, very quick sketch with a few words and maybe a working title. I started doing this about 3-4 years ago and have found it surprisingly useful. Cheers, Mauro.</p>
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<p>I have a neat little 3"x5" leather bound book in my camera bag in which I write everything from expenses to trip mileage, and directions...along with notes on places I intend to come back to photograph at a later date, for reasons, ranging from bad light, to bad weather, and/or lack of time...to nothing less than the shear laziness of the photographer. As far as ideas/concepts for future projects...I usually keep that list on my lap top. </p>
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I used to keep shooting ideas on paper but when I got an iPhone, I looked for an easy-to-use "note" program to organize my concepts because the one that comes with the iPhone didn't suit my needs. I wound up buying a $3 program called "SmartNotes" and now they are with me wherever I go. I can also update them or review them whenever I want.

My 2¢...

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