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DAVID OREA died...

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<p>I never knew of David until now, which I feel is unfortunate. Browsing through his portfolio reveals the kind of person that he was and it seemed he had such a great appreciation for life and the simple beauty that most of us take for granted. I wish I had known him. My heart goes out to his family and to those close to him.</p>
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<p >I was shocked and saddened to hear of the untimely death of David Orea and like to express my sincere condolences. Although we have never met personally we were regular correspondents and I know that he was a respected member in the PN community and his own profession. My deepest sympathies are with his family.</p>

<p >El Porte-Bonheur<br /><br /><br /></p>

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<p>For those who did not know David, David was probably the most consistently supportive of all the photographers on this site. He never tired in giving of his time to encourage others to keep trying. David was a deeply spiritual person, anmd most of his photographs dealth with themes that reflected that. He deeply touched all of us who knew him, and news of his passing has hit me quite hard. I just wish the best to his family, and say that he will not soon be forgotten.</p>
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<p>God bless him ..., he really was a supportive one in this site as I know him and always took his time to encourage others to their best, we never forget you DAVID and Im sure the site lost him so much...really dont know what to say more,Im shocked... god bless him, miss your nice and encouragement support David, miss you :(</p>
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<p>Comes as a complete shock - David Orea was one of those whose gentle personality always reflected through his comments. A very talented and supportive member of PN. If we who knew him only through PN, miss him so much, his close ones must be shattered. A hard to forget person - my heartfelt condolences to his family. </p>
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<p>Life can be so unfair sometimes. The news that David has passed away comes a a total shock. I did not have the oppurtunity to meet David but we had regular contact via the PN. Always ready to give a comment, well written and always with elegance and style. Davids photographs was and will, forever, be remembered as shot with aesthetics and elegance. His wonderful photos from different theaters and concerthalls was such a delight to view, but also his landscapes photos was full of beauty, in excellent compositions. David, as I see it, was the true essence what the PN should be, always ready to support, and comment in a way that made you proud of your own photographic work.<br /> My condolances goes to Davids family and dear ones. David I miss you so much and I am honoured to have known you as a friend on the PN. God bless you my dear friend. " And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest"</p>
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<p>I am deeply saddened to hear of David's passing. I wouldn't say that David and I were close friends, but we chatted from time to time and I know enough of him from those conversations to understand what a good person he was and to realize that all who knew him have suffered a true loss. My sympathies to David's family and friends. God bless you all. </p>
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<p>I to never knew of David till now. What a shame. After viewing his portfolio one realizes what a talented man he was, and through that it usually goes to follow he was like that in all his endeavors. My sincere condolences to the Orea family, may he rest in peace.</p>
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<p>La pena de la ausencia de David es profunda, es muy triste no verlo mas entre nosotros, mas su espiritu siempre estara cerca para darnos aliento y seguir el camino de la vida. Fue un gran amigo. amante del arte, la musica y la literatura, siempre tuvo una palabra de elogio para nuestro trabajo, fue un ejemplo ver sus maravillosas fotos y conocer su alma, veia el lado bueno de las cosas dando animo y apoyo a todos con comentarios llenos de sabiduria y bondad. . Ya esta con Dios descansando en paz. Mis condolencias a toda su querida familia. Todos estamos unidos en esta pena tan profunda para abrazarlos en la distancia. R.I.P. Mari</p><div>00VvGK-226175784.jpg.bfa97d0e77af704ad4777e9ca91d08d6.jpg</div>
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