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Canon 1D Mark IV and Nikon D700

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<p>Not to start a fight between those two.<br /> It just happens that I spent the week end with the Canon 1D Mark IV and tried to squeeze it as much as I can.<br /> I even shot an e-session this after noon and brought along my D700.<br /> This is not a scientific test or whatever, just a simple snap and my goal is to know which one my <strong>clients prefer most</strong> .<br /> Which one would <strong>YOU</strong> pick ?</p>

<p><img title="DK-D700" src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/DK-D700.jpg" alt="" title="DK-D700" width="500" /></p>

<p><img title="DK-1D4" src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/DK-1D4.jpg" alt="" title="DK-1D4" width="500" /></p>

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<p>The top image is better-composed and has more pleasing skin tone rendition. Though, the top image could obviously have been taken with either camera.</p>

<p>I shoot D700's and would prefer the D700 for its full frame sensor. That said, if I won the lottery, I'd certainly buy a pair of 1Ds Mark III's and half a dozen high-end Canon lenses.</p>

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<p>OK, there are a lot of valid points here but they are all biased IMO.<br>

We all tend to compare these images on the tech side of it instead of being the "client" to pick her/his print.<br>

Both images have been processed with the same ingredients in CS4 (Synchronised adjustments).<br>

As mentioned, it was more about image in a whole rather than technical comparison between the two cameras.</p>

<p>I did actually go out with a friend and his D3s for a Hi ISO shoot.<br>

The files are still under process and I'll put them up here some times.</p>


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<p>OK, there are a lot of valid points here but <em>they are all biased</em> IMO.</p>


<p>I don't get that statement <em>at all. </em> Biased how? And towards what?<em><br /> </em></p>

<p>In a choice of two pictures like these, it's an absolute cast-iron dead cert that the majority of people will pick the one with eye/viewer contact - that's basic human nature - especially when the subjects in that shot are larger in the (tiny) frame too.</p>

<p>So if this is meant to prove that the Nikon "takes better pictures" because most people would pick the first shot, then I have to say that's hogwash: people will pick the first picture because of the eye contact, nothing more.</p>

<p><em>I really don't know what - if any - point you're trying to make here...</em></p>

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<p>As mentioned, it was more about image in a whole rather than technical comparison between the two cameras.</p>



<p>So why on earth take the shots with two different cameras and then post it on the Canon forum? Seems like you were asking for a huge fight to erupt. Why didn't you just post the two shots and ask which one we prefer? Not only that, your title of <em>"Canon 1D Mark IV and Nikon D700" </em> would insinuate comparison of the two cameras.</p>

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