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Fed - 2 and winter's lowest poin

gene m

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<p>This morning I looked out of the kitchen window and saw frost on the deck railings and on the table. For a moment I thought about grabbing a camera to capture the frost. I know one of my Canon F-1s has some 400 speed color print film in it and there is at least one of my many Canon and Canon mount macro lenses nearby. As I finished my breakfast the phone rang and I didn't think about the frost again until it was time for lunch. By then the frost had all melted. As we get close to the end of January I almost feel bad for Old Man Winter. Then the bill comes from Public Service Electric & Gas. I still hope I'll get a few more winter photos before the forsythia starts to bloom.</p>
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<p>My three Mosin Nagant rifles probably share the same smell.<br>

Great stuff Tovarish Gene, (Yes I know it's not polite to call someone Tovarish these post-communistic days). I share your rewind pains. Two of the three Leica-ized cameras I owned shared the same problem. No complaint about the lenses though.</p>

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<p>I have owned and used over 9 Feds and Zorkis. Some had knobs and others had levers. All of them are very smooth film advancers. None is even sticky or tardy. The Feds are very quiet. The Zorkis with a lever advance make a rachet noise; but they are smooth all the same. Smoother than the Canon TL and FT that I owned. The soviet camera gears need a different approach to lubrication from that used in the German and Japanese Cameras. Regards, sp</p>
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<p>As you may know, my Fed 2 is the denim blue model. I love that camera, and it seems that you love yours too Gene. When you find a good one,they're wonderful cameras, and your shots show off their best qualities. I want to find a black one, mainly because the blue attracts way to much (sometimes unwanted) attention. </p>
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