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Dream Photography Project

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<p>Hi Hannah!<br>

Knowing that you have $10k in your account gives you a sense of security and belonging. Now that is enough for me to leave the 'conscious' me at home and take the 'curious' me out for the real world. I'd start off with capturing night life because I work in night shifts and stay in my cubicle most of the dark hours. To keep a long story short, I'd follow the inside-to-the-outter approach capturing anything and everything that would just not kill the cat!<br>


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<p>Thanks for asking! It is clear that everyone here has a unique vision of what they would like to do!  I am no different in that aspect.  I have had the priviledge of visiting other countries and photographing some famous sights, but there is so much in the United States that I have <em>not</em> seen and I think that if I were given this opportunity, I would  love to take a tour of the entire United States and go to each of the National Parks and explore, hike and do a lot of extensive photography.  Yes, I know that has probably been done, but this would be from my perspective and it would be MY adventure ...<br>

Thanks and happy shooting to every one!</p>

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<p>If I was given the chance to photograph anything I wanted, I would choose to photograph the forgoten,<br>

who in my mind are those in parts of this world that we fail to remember. Poor countries, people in need.<br>

Children, families, elders. Perhaps through photography we can shed some light to those of us who get tangled up in every day life and forget that there are people who have it much harder than we do.</p>


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<p>If I was given the chance to photograph anything I wanted, I would choose to photograph the forgoten,<br>

who in my mind are those in parts of this world that we fail to remember. Poor countries, people in need.<br>

Children, families, elders. Perhaps through photography we can shed some light to those of us who get tangled up in every day life and forget that there are people who have it much harder than we do.</p>


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<p>The eyes have it! Every emotion is transmitted through the eyes. I think capturing close-ups of the the "mirror to the heart" of a child making a goal, and the parent's pride. The fear and excitement of the "first time behind the wheel" of a teen. The longing in a grandparents eyes watching their grandchildren, and wishing they could be young again. The difference in a sad look from failing a task compare to losing a loved one. The joy expressed when winning a game, finding out you are going to be a daddy, or finding a crab on the beach.<br>

Then, with all these images, produce a book or game to see if people can read the emotions depicted correctly. That would be a fun, rewarding, and revealing project.</p>

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<p>It would be great to head north to James Bay loaded with b&w film, and maybe even a Bronica 6x7 thrown in and then head down east.<br>

After that at trip to the U.S in Colorado, shooting the Rockies in b&w,.<br>

So much to see in this part of the world. Canada's north has true potential from a photographic aspect.</p>


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<p>The eyes have it! Every emotion is transmitted through the eyes. I think capturing close-ups of people's faces, and their eyes "the mirror to the heart" and the expression of a child making a goal, and the parent's pride. The fear and excitement of the "first time behind the wheel" of a teen. The longing in a grandparents eyes watching their grandchildren, and wishing they could be young again. The difference in a sad look from failing a task compare to losing a loved one. The joy expressed when winning a game, finding out you are going to be a daddy, or finding a crab on the beach.<br>

Then, with all these images, produce a book or game to see if people can read the emotions depicted correctly. That would be a fun, rewarding, and revealing project.</p><div>00VYO3-212073584.jpg.5dc12181cc9b4884089e825b156bfb0f.jpg</div>

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<p>My ultimate reward in photography is going to a neo-natal ICU at a hospital and photographing newborn infants struggling to survive. When my grandson at five weeks was struggling, all I could do is photograph the memories. Fortunately, for us, he survived but many don't. I know parents would want these same memories but taken in a more professional manner. I would also volunteer my time to photograph children & adults of special needs. Professionals find this time consuming and complex, therefore avoid altogether. I would also include homeless women and their children. My photography group does this 2x a year. I would like to provide this service as each new homeless family moves in to the shelter where we shoot. As I gave one women a portrait of herself, she replied "I've never had a photograph of me" That left a lasting impression.<br>

I would take that $10,000 and buy the right camera and lens since the D80 I have is not adequate to achieve this goal and use the leftover to furnish one framed print and CD for each person or infant I photograph. Yep!, that's what I'd do with $10,000.</p>

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<p>A few have mentioned a dream I have as well of documenting more of Route 66. I would also love to document the old cathedrals of Russia that I did not have a great camera for when I was there as a teen. Mostly I would love to visit a place that has significance to my family and document it for those who cannot make it there.</p>
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<p>I'd like to do a tour of all 50 states taking photos of the national and state parks and other scenic places. I'd love to just drive around with one of my photo friends and do this kind of a tour. That would definitely be a dream come true.</p>
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<p>Dream photography project? I am right in the middle of the start of it, it's called the Kodachrome Project:<br>


Seriously though, I am in my pop-up camper having coffee at the moment, outside of a coal mine this week having a wonderful time getting to know the town. It is possible I will be going to Haiti to help out an orphanage, otherwise, I am on the road for a year, Burning Man, the last space shuttle launch, drive in movie theaters, truck stops, Route 66, all roads less traveled, all towns less visited. Then of course there are stories in big towns like Times Square in New York, China Town in San Fran, etc.<br>

In 2004, I had a dream of shooting the last 1,000 rolls of Kodachrome film in the 75th and final year.....now I am doing it.</p>

<p>I have a closet full of gear, only one digital camera, the rest film....and this has cost me about 7 times the amount mentioned in the original post, but that's OK, life's too short for partial effort. </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I would split this project in two. First, I would go to well known exotic diving spots (eg. Tahiti, Bali, Hawaii) in order to portrait the sea creatures and document the amazing marine biodiversity of this area. After that, I would travel to the most isolated island where human impact is unknown (if this still exists somewhere) and the coral reefs untouched... Portraying the marine live there will certainly reveal unknown species and a different (bigger?) biodiversity compared to highly frequented diving sites and show what we humans irreversibly do to our oceans. </p><div>00VYTY-212113584.jpg.2b44a2b8adc6e4e7c83a6f006d3b8b37.jpg</div>
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<p>nice ideas i've seen so far!<br>

i would travel through the alpes in a van or campervan with a 4x5 view camera, preferable with rangefinder as a linhof or speedgraphic has. a lot of 4x5 sheetfilm, black and white and chemistry to develop it on the road.<br>

trying to come home with beautifull landscape photos!<br>

for the street and village photos a 35mm or 120 type rangefinder, or my current dslr!</p>

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