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HP5 exposed as 800 and 400


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I have a roll of Ilford HP5 that has been exposed as 800 iso for about half of the frames and 400 for the rest( 120 rollfilm)<br>

While it's not a big push, I wonder what would be the best way to develop it? Do I just process it like I always would, rodinal 1+25, 6 minutes standard agitation, or do I push it 1 stop?<br>

I only have rodinal a my disposition, so it boils down to whether or not to overdevelop for one stop getting the first frames right and the later frames somewhat "over exposed" or do I develop normally and have somewhat thinner negatives for the first few and normal for the rest.<br>

Cutting up the film in 2 parts is not really feasible since it's 120 and the risk of cutting right in a frame and losing it completely is worse than having some frames 1 stop under or over exposed</p>

<p>Thanks in advance,</p>


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<p>Bruce,<br /> Thank you for the heads up but as I stated above, I only have rodinal and I'm comfortable with that. Also it's one roll. I don't have diafine and i wouldn't know where to get it in a store ( in Brussels) as I'm a bit strechted for time.<br /> I need at least contact prints from this film by Saturday night that gives me about 36 hours, so mail order is not an option either.<br /> regards,<br /> Erwin</p>
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now you've done it! Shame on me for not figuring out that one my self.</p>

<p>If we'd had virtual beers to pass on here at Photo.net a few would be on your way. Anyway kudos for pointing out the option I didn't see!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>No, do not overdevelop the film. The ugly notion that you can actually buy back shadow densities from underexposed film by over developing it is completely false. At best you might be able to capture an extra 1/3 stop or so, but not much more than that. With Rodinal, forget it. It's not happening. Split the difference, and you'll likely drive the contrast up too high on the normally exposed frames, while doing nothing to significantly help the under exposed frames.</p>
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<p>I've developed the roll accoding to what Nord said here for 7 min ibn rodinal 1+25 (normal is 6 and iso 800 is 8 minutes )</p>

<p>there is not to much difference in the shot's 'ill post one of them here in a day ar two when i scan them4</p>

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