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My Family’s Next Challenge


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<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/723614188_nUiVC-L.jpg" alt="" width="632" height="600" /><br>

My Pentax Forum Friends!<br /> <br /> I’ve been offline everywhere for the past few weeks for one unpleasant reason: my fine wife Fran, who I’ve known for 31 years, has been diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer.<br>

<br /> As my friend Haig T. can attest, my wife is a vibrant and generous person who undoubtedly will overcome this.<br>

<br /> Her prognosis is guardedly pretty fair but the physical and psychological toll on all of us, including the kids, is going to be challenging. We've been running around to medical facilities getting the assessment data organized and planning her treatment approach. We’re fortunate to draw from the best medical people in the US for this condition, but anyway we go, it’s going to be one tough year.<br /> <br /> Ugh. I wish we could just wake up.<br /> <br /> I’ve been fortunate in that my employer has enabled me to shift responsibilities to those accomplishable remotely.<br /><br>

Photography is my source of ground, so I’ll still shoot and continue sharing in this kind forum. <br /><br>

Right about now in the US we have this custom of acknowledging and appreciating all the abundance we’ve been blessed with. I admit to taking much--like love-for granted. But I want to believe that’s changed now. The one positive out of all of this is that my wife and I are closer than ever.</p>

<p>And that is what I have to be thankful for this year.<br /> <br /> ME<br /></p>

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<p>Michael, while I'm saddened to hear this news, I wish you all the best for the upcoming months. Be the rock your wife will need you to be while she fights her battle. If you've caught it red-handed, as it seems you have, Cancer will not stand a chance against you two :-)</p>

<p>I hope you know you are welcome to post your thoughts and pics here all along, whenever you need some e-love from us.</p>

<p>Stay strong,</p>


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<p>Michael, best wishes to your wife and your whole family as you enter this very trying time. It seems more and more women are afflicted with this damn illness these days, or maybe I'm just getting older. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us here on the p.net forum. The care-giver needs help too, and sometimes that means just sharing your thoughts and feelings with others. I know that last spring when I was diagnosed with the brain tumor I thought for several days about whether or not share that info. But I was glad I did. In some strange way it really helped. I am sure you will take good care of your wife and I am sure all will be fine. </p>
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<p>Michael, I unfortunately know only too well some of the things you are going through. But as others have said, your strength and support is worth more than you now know. I'm glad to hear you guys are closer and doing this together. That can be the difference!</p>

<p>Add me to your e- support group. Best wishes and love to your wife and your family. </p>

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<p>Michael and Fran, I was very sad to hear the bad news, but I do know that Fran will have the best person in the world by her side to help and support her. I pray that the lord give you all the strength you need to love and care for each other as you go through these difficult times. Please give Fran my best wishes as well.</p>
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<p>Michael, I must say I have been very impressed by your tone, patience and wisdom in all that you contribute on the forum here, and based on that I believe your wife and kids are fortunate to have you by their side at this time.</p>

<p>I have a friend struggling with the same problem, and understand a little of what you are facing. My heart goes out to you and your family.</p>

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<p>Thank you. <br>

Please believe me when I say that tears run down my face when I read your kind and meaningful words. Fortunately the K20D is weatherproof, though I don’t think Pentax ever considered this usage scenario :)<br /> <br /> It’s been a trying week because some of our second and third opinions advise more aggressive treatments--all of which I hope none of your spouses or yourselves ever have to consider. All the medical people are credible and beyond, so it contributes even more to my wife's difficult decision making. And the clock is ticking.<br /> <br /> @Dave H.-yes breast cancer is more common. From what I’ve learned, about 12% of all women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. A fair proportion of these victims are between 40-60 years old. Since there are so many people in that age group (think baby boomers), it is expected that we seemingly know more and more folks getting ill.<br /> <br /> Our oncologist gave us a little overview on worldwide breast cancer. As he said, Seattle is both the best place and the worst place to develop breast cancer. The former is due to the enormous talent at treating it here. And I will vouch for that so far. It is common these days to denounce the American health care system, but we have been able to meet individually with the top surgeons, radiologists, oncologists for up to three hours straight. Sometimes through dinner hour. Perhaps because my wife is a doctor herself they are expressing respect and professional courtesy, but I didn’t sense that.<br /> <br /> OTOH, Seattle has among the highest breast cancer rates in the US and in the world. The map shows that northern states lead in this unhappy category. Worldwide Iceland and northern Europe are even worse. Our oncologist strongly believes that there is a linkage between vitamin D deficiency and breast cancer occurrence. So when I kvetch about us living in a greyscale world here, I mean it. <br /> <br /> @Robert C.--I appreciate your paving the way earlier, and presently providing a glimpse at your thinking behind sharing this kind of information. We’re being fairly open about this in our community because it is a small town and my wife has been very active in the schools. We want our kids’ teachers to know so they can keep an eye out for developing issues. I wanted to share the info here because it will impact my photography to an extent that I’m not quite conscious of. So if I post pictures of my family for the next 52 POWs, I think everyone here will understand.<br /> <br /> @all--I do appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers. And thanks for keeping an open door to my ramblings here in the forum. It will help keep me balanced, and that can only benefit Fran.<br /> <br /> ME</p>

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<p>Michael, thanks for sharing your story - you have a great gift in your photography and it will stand you in good stead over the next few months, even if it helps to share the emotional roller coaster ride of treatments and decisions, and keep you all sane.<br>

Find those spaces for the bright eyes to smile lots. Don't forget to laugh too - it is a good medicine.<br>

We shall keep you in our prayers and trust that God is with you through this.<br>

Keep shooting.<br>

Denise Savage </p>

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<p>Well, Michael, I've had this window open for several days, re-reading your post, trying to decide if it's at all possible to respond in a way that doesn't come out sounding like a "standard". I hate saying the same, usual thing, because I'm always afraid it will sound insincere or trite. At the same time, from experience on the receiving end I know it doesn't matter. It still helps to hear.</p>

<p>After reading the entire thread, I think I learn the answer is: No, BUT it really doesn't matter. <br>

I hate saying the same, usual thing, because I'm always afraid it will sound insincere or trite. At the same time, from experience on the receiving end I know it doesn't matter. It still helps to hear.<br>

(This thread also keeps proving "All great minds thinks alike" and that the Pentax forum here is obviously full of great minds).<br>

Therefore, I sincerely want to add our voice to the raised chorus - We are sorry to learn this, and we will be praying.</p>

<p> </p>

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