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Advice sought - world class photo book producers in UK

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<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I would really appreciate advice on a company producing truly world-class photo books in the UK. My goal is NOT simply to find something that's good or even 'good for the money', but exceptional regardless of cost. I hear a lot of names being mentioned, but what I am especially seeking is the first-hand experience of people achieving the highest of quality. I refer to quality of printing, paper, binding, production, etc. that is simply beyond question.</p>

<p>Online software assisting with design is not a factor here. The book has been designed and laid out using InDesign. I really want someone who will take the files, do what I specify and produce the best possible result. They need to accept huge files, not expect compressed uploads and offer dialogue on the 'phone with someone who really knows what they are talking about - so we can discuss details like bleed, etc.. Would also be useful if they do A3 size pages.</p>

<p>Anyone have any advice?</p>

<p>Best wishes,</p>



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<p>Hi Ed, I have no experience with the UK group. My suggestion is to Google around and find other photographers or painters who have work published from that company. I'm sure most would be happy to share their experience. Good luck and give us a heads up when your book is available!</p>


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<p>Ed, I'm not sure if they are in the UK yet, but AsukaBooks are the best I've seen. They are not cheap though. They are based out of my little home town, but I know they do tours all over this side of the pond. They claim to be an International company. I know they have a presence in Japan anyway. I've personally seen their books and the B&W quality (which I think is more difficult than color) is absolutely gorgeous. I personally don't use them because there is not enough profit margin for what I do, but if you were doing wedding or high end book publishing, I would start with them.</p>
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