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1D M4 will it be out done by the 6d in a year or so?

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<p>as a technology junkie, i'm getting anxoius to see whet the 1d4 has to offer.<br>

i'm guessing it has got to have better iq compared to the 5d2. i only wish it were full frame! i think they should combine the 1 series camera and just have 1 model? make it full frame! i'm sure they can do it. for twice the $ than the 5d2 i'm guessing it has to outshine the 5d2 buy a lot? weather sealing and focusing can't be all it has over the 5d2? if so that blows. i was so happy with my little tank (1dm3) until i got a 5d2. the 5d2 was a huge step above the 1d3. the 5d2 focusing system is just not in the same league.<br>

i know its just in my head, but i am planning on getting the 1d4...the cropped sensor and the lack of pixels just makes it a lot harder to swallow. if they made just one 1d series and put all the research into just one body and loaded it up with all the goodies and priced it between the to models $6k or so it would be sweet. people who dropped 8k on the 1dsm3 had to find the 5dm2 as a complete shock. i hate to think what will happen to the 1dm4....once the 6d comes out. i know this sounds silly but when you pay top dollar for a 1 series camera then wake up the next day to find that the next pro-consumer camera has better everything except weather sealing and focusing.</p>

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<p>You can only be a better photographer by always worrying about the latest, newest camera and then buying it; then worry about unannounced releases, speculate, then buy it in two years you'll be automatically better. </p>

<p>In five years DSLRs will compose for you based on what you've shot the previous 15,000 shutter actuations. You'll be able to TEACH your camera.</p>

<p>I am not gonna sleep until the 6D ships.</p>

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<p>Richie, judging from the artistic vision shown in photos on <a href="http://thebooneman.com">your website</a> , I'd think that minor differences between camera models would be irrelevant to your style. You could probably accomplish pretty much the same thing with any camera you picked up. I know, I know, what are sites like photo.net for if not for obsessing over minutiae? But in this case, I'd say it's a waste of your time as an artist to fret over this stuff.</p>
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<p>SD, who ever told you that is full of crap, thats like saying you will not be a real photographer until you go medium format or large format. Do not get me wrong, I want a full frame camera, but that is noty what makes me a photographer. mastery over your selected genre, and the tools it takes to get it, is what makes you a photographer. </p>
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