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Photo.net is ruining my life.........


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<p>The first step is to admit you have a problem....then start going to your local photo.netaholics meetings, meet other people with the same problem for support....get a "sponsor" that you can call whenever you have the urge to log on. Then you should probably avoid all your friends who visit the site....get rid of all cameras and computers in your house so the temptation is removed...and take heart: there are lots of people who had the problem and are now cured. </p>
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<p>It's only a problem if you worry about it...so...</p>

<p>Take those "12 Steps", put one in front of the other, and use them to get to your photo equipment supplier.</p>


<p>In the meantime...here is a little "camera porn" to make you feel better.</p>

<p>Cheers! Jay</p><div>00V0D3-190339584.jpg.0e73696a5f00e6b81c1bdabe087251d7.jpg</div>

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<p>It all starts so innocently,doesn't it. (Like the first handful of popcorn.)... You spring for you first nice camera, mine was the original Canon F1 w/ FD 50 1.4. You are now dubbed a serious photographer ergo you need a serious bag. Someone at the photo lab says with assurance "Get a Domke" Now people can <strong>tell at a glance</strong> -that you are a serious photographer. " Hey, you use a Domke, that is the sign of the real perfeshunal, and you start talking cameras. And join photonet to talk and listen about photography of couerse,your passion... You notice,meantime, the bag will fit more than <strong>one</strong> camera <strong>one</strong> lens, thus you start to seriously fill up the inserts. Exposure meter? Never can tell when it might come in handy one spedial day.... On it goes, and never ends until they carry you away. Where? To that B and H Superstore in the Sky!</p>

<p>My Original Domke is alive and well and has all its strength. A bit scruffy from being scrunched under seats in military aircraft,couple grease stains that sunk in. Side pockets may have crumbs from raisin bagels and trail mix.....It is like an old schoolchum. We grew old together. Cheers, Gerry S.</p><div>00V0FS-190359584.jpg.59c13ca92b0e3eeaa74ab050d3d651c0.jpg</div>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5562983">Kayam Rajaram actually I sarted going with my wife when she was 16. thru HS and Nursing school and we have been married 49 1/2 years.</a><br>

But, in all those years I have seen too much. 1954-2009-- long time.<br>

I had friends? and relatives who had "interesting" experiences.<br>

and since I am basically lazy, I found it easier to be very straight , not lie ( bad memory)<br>

and let the next guy get involved. ( not me)<br>

It, because of my basic lazyness let some interesting porribilities just pass me by.<br>

Mac Davis ( country singer) had a song " cheaper to keep her"<br>

and the other classic " she got the gold mine , I got the shaft"<br>

But I do admit wanting more cameras when I cannot afford batteries for all the ones I have. don't even talk about FILM. When I bought 5 lenses 40 years ago, I discovered wanting was better and more satisfying than HAVING<br>

That lens or camera. * except for the 18mm and 85mm lenses.</p>


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<p>Wow and I thought I had a problem. I suppose it is a good habit except I spend hours of my day on photos, internet, or shooting, not exactly in that order either. hmmmmm what to do, what to do, oh B&H is closed right now I think so I can browse with out the necessity to buy.... :)</p>
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<p>My name is Bob and I am a pnetaholic. The members are fantastic. All of you have helped transform my photos. Thanks so much to everyone posting and to Josh in particular. Tim, Matt, Kent, Patrick, Shun, Jeff. You all have shaped my art. I too dont go a day without pnet. For those newbies, it will answer your questions before you even thought of them. </p>
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<p >Oh so that’s what it is! So that explains why a few weeks ago when PN went down for almost 24 hours (I kept trying to load PN and there was a message saying ‘server is too busy’ and ‘no server is available’) I was almost hyperventilating and anxious…..I kept trying and trying to get onto PN but no go. I needed my fix! Scary, huh? That’s when I realised how addictive PN is. Sobering thought. Currently I’m on PN for an hour in the morning over my morning coffee, often at lunch time, and mostly every night from after dinner til bed time. My partner gently suggests that maybe I spend too much time on PN, and I agree, then I go right back to posting or resizing images to post or whatever. Luckily for me my partner is very tolerant, and I will limited in the time I can spend on PN soon because my PhD needs to be finished, then I’ll need to get a real job……sigh…..but until then I can keep it under control, right? Right? </p>
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<p>Kayam, don't worry, the Elves have it all in hand. There's a great little bug floating around on pnet (seems to be a Java applet connected with adverts) which often locks the page or prevents loading. Indeed, I've had to cancel this page whilst it was still loading in order to make this post at all!<br>


<p>Of course, if you're truly addicted and have paid your dues (:-( then you may not be afflicted. Just do yourself a favour and turn the advertising on again. It won't cure you, but it <em>will</em> slow you down.</p>


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<p>Luis, ahah, you noticed I still have a set of Kodak Duraflex yellow souping trays. I use them lately to sort catalogs and letters. Indestructible. And nicely sloped for when the prints came out of the fixer. Yes, I actually had -still do somewhere in a box a cheap enlarger (Opemus) and El Nikkor (not as cheap) enlarger lens set. I have not found a use for the Nikor reels, but one never knows...let me know if you have. aloha,gs</p>
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<p>If it's any help, I think that photography is a much healthier addiction than computer programming. Photography takes you out of the house, and you often get to talk to actual live human beings. You don't just sit in front of a terminal all day, watching your waistline expand.</p>

<p>So just take it one frame at a time!</p>

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<p>Kayam, With your flair for writing about all-things-camera in such a delightfully entertaining manner, you no doubt have a future career as a highly successful photography author. Maybe you'll get the money for those lens yet...<br>

And thank you for making my evening. </p>

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<p>Kayam, With your flair for writing about all-things-camera in such a delightfully entertaining manner, you no doubt have a future career as a highly successful photography author. Maybe you'll get the money for those lens yet...<br>

And thank you for making my evening. </p>

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<p>I went to my first photoholics meeting. It turned out to be contest night, and the winner had the most incredible camera I've ever seen -- I even got to hold it. Got to get one before the next meeting. I'm not sure this group is going to cure me.</p>
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