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2nd hand Nikon D5000 (part 2)


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<p>Hi guys! Please help me about this. I saw an ad here on the net selling his Nikon D5000. The details of the equipment are below:</p>

<p><strong>Advertisement Category :</strong> Want To Sell (WTS)<br /> <br /> <strong>Equipment Type :</strong> DSLR<br /> <strong>Equipment Brand :</strong> Nikon<br /> <strong>Equipment Model :</strong> D5000<br /> <strong>Price (S$) :</strong> <strong>$1300</strong> <br /> <strong>Description :</strong> <br /> Helping my friend to sell his camera.<br /> <br /> Rarely use (Shutter Count About 200+) .. only 2 months old<br /> <br /> D5000 body come with 18-55 Kits Lens & 50-200 Lens. The entire package include :<br /> <br /> 1. Original Packages with Instruction Manual<br /> 2. 2 x Batteries<br /> 3. Lowepro Bag<br /> 4. Nikon Tripod SL168<br /> 5. Cleaning Kit<br /> 6. Screen Protector<br /> 7. 8GB Memory Card<br /> <br /> For FAST deal, feel free to contact my friend at the below mentioned no.<br /> <br /> Thanks.<br /> <br /> <strong>Real Name :</strong> <br /> <strong>Contact Number :</strong> 8222xxxx<br /> <br /> <strong>Condition of Item (<a href="http://forums.clubsnap.org/showthread.php?p=237546#post237546" target="_blank">as per guidelines</a> ) :</strong> 10<br /> <strong>Warranty Status :</strong> 13 Months</p>

<p>I would like to ask your opinion, Is this a good buy for me. as you see, Im a first time DSLR buyer and user. Im from Singapore and the currency is from Singapore. Please dont advise me to purchase at ebay or adorama for their shipment does not include my country.</p>

<p>What interest me of this equipment is that it comes in 2 lenses already with a tripod. a brand new Nikon D5000 in a store here in Singapore would cost S$ 1150 with only the 18-55mm VR lens plus an 8gb memory card and a Lowepro bag as part of the store's promo.</p>

<p>Now, please help me. I need your honest opinion about this. Thanks a lot guys. Hope to hear from you....</p>

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Two things. You are probably getting this off Clubsnap? Would suggest asking that question there, as people there would be more familiar with the going prices in singapore.<br>

Also just FYI, if you are buying stuff above 350SGD or 400SGD (check the customs website) you will be hit by the GST on imports, I remember having to travel all the way to Paya Lebar just to pay the gst and pick up the camera. GAH!</p>


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<p>Also just FYI, if you are buying stuff above 350SGD or 400SGD (check the customs website) you will be hit by the GST on imports, I remember having to travel all the way to Paya Lebar just to pay the gst and pick up the camera. GAH!</p>


<p>really? what do you mean with the GST? is that if i purchase with ebay and adorama? coz i contacted the person who's selling the gear, he is a local here in singapore. does that mean customs will spank me with GST too with him?<br>

thanks alvin!</p>

<p>yes, that ad is from clubsnap....i ask here just for opinions. to check if its a good buy according to your profession.</p>

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<p>If you buy an item and ship it from overseas that cost over S$400, you will have the pay GST. If you buy from someone in Singapore, unless it is a GST registered business, you will not have to pay GST.</p>

<p>So if you buy from the person on Clubsnap, you are unlikely to have to pay GST as chances are that the person is a personal seller and not selling in the capacity of the GST registered business.</p>

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<p>It is hard to say because it depends on the salesperson. Some of them do tell you the inclusive price, some do not; so the safest bet is to ask them before making the final decision.If you do an e quote, it is usually before GST (if I remember correctly).</p>

<p>You may want to consider paying in cash as the price would usually be lower.</p>

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<p>yes, i will be paying in cash....im really saving for it. that's why i keep posting on questions here asking about DSLR's as it would be my first....i just want to make sure its a best buy....the last time i bought a camera (a Sony DSC-H5) i really regret it. it was brand new when i bought it. but just after months the camera still runs (playback) but no images either in the viewfinder nor in live view,all but dark so i cant take pictures...<br>

thats why i dont want my Nikon DSLR to be like that....</p>

<p>thanks Alvin...im still considering that ad above i got from clubsnap because of the two lenses for just the price of S$ 1300 with tripod and 2 batteries. do you think its a best buy alvin considering the gear is still 2 months old?</p>

<p>thanks! i would appreciate to hear your opinion on that....</p>

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<p>I am not sure if it is a good deal because I never really monitor the prices of the D5000 or the above lenses. But based on the above set, it appears that the person may have gotten it from <a href="http://www.bootstrike.com/itfairsg/comex2009/Nikon-Digital-Cameras-D3000-D5000-D90-D300-flyer-brochure-leaflet/">Comex 2009</a> . If you can wait, there is one coming at the end of the month. Thing with IT fairs is that they bundle with lots of stuff but charge rrp. So you got to decide if it is worth your money.</p>

<p>Do you really need all the stuff in the advertisement? How much would it cost if you get the set now? My guess is that they may come with stuff like the extra battery, bag and card. So it would be good to shop around first. Like I said earlier, get an e quote and ask them what is included in the price.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>How much would it cost if you get the set now?</p>



<p>the last time i asked (i think 3 or 4 weeks ago from Cathay and John) the unit price plays between S$ 1150 and 1170. The kit only includes the 18-55mm VR lens with one 8GB and a lowepro bag as freebies for their promo.<br>

when i take a view at clubsnap, the price of 55-200mm VR is at S$ 330.</p>

<p>regarding the extra batteries on the ad above, it might come in handy for me (although i havent tried using a DSLR yet) coz i dont know when is that time that i need more shots.</p>

<p>regarding the tripod, i have a remnant tripod from my Sony DSC-H5. it looks like Nikon Tripod SL168 as mentioned above in the ad...</p>

<p>regarding the lens (55-200mm VR) since im new still to DSLR, i dont know but it might come in handy although i dont have a specific use of it as of now.</p>

<p>all im jumping for into this is the bundle price of the two lenses in a kit at such bargain price.....but i havent decided yet to buy it. i just informed the owner that im interested....</p>

<p>thanks alvin!</p>

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