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Fogging Test

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<p>I have decided to go back to my large format camera after some years away, and have four boxes of unused

Ilford Delta 400 8X10 film that have been sitting unrefrigerated in their boxes for some time. The expiration date

on the package is January 2002. Of course the only way to see if they are fogged is to test a sheet or two.

Here's the question -- is the best test simply to develop an unexposed sheet and see what it looks like?&nbs

p; Or do I need to expose it by photographing a fairly high contrast&n

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<p>Just develop one sheet to check for fog. Use another sheet to take a picture of a step wedge (gray scale), and see how many stops of dynamic range you have. Best guess is that you will need to overexpose a stop to get over the base fog, and maybe pull the development a little. But with the price of 8x10 film, it's worth the effort.</p>


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