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A strange question...


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I have a rather unusual question to ask y'all. Today I was taking pictures of my dog, it took a bit of persuasing to get him to pose, but I got it done! Now, after the photoshoot, he seemed strangely attached to me. He was lying at my feet and stuff like that while I edited my photos, and thats unusual for him, he is kind of aloof in general. I gave him a dog treat when I took his picture, but he still doesnt usually react like that after he gets a treat! Has this happened to anyone else?<br>

I warned you guys it was a strange question!<br>


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<p>Dogs are evolved from very complex social structures among wolves. I suspect that with all of your directing and rewarding, you established a new dominance pattern with him, and he was revering you as his newly respected Alpha Male. Did it last?</p>
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