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Who has pre-ordered an EOS 7D


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<p>I still have a 5D MK1. For me, two things stop me from upgrading <br>

1. More features is good. 1.6X is however much less then I expected. It would have been a no brainier if it were 1.3X APS-H.</p>

<p>2. Let see some RAW review. 18MP on a 1.6X sensor without a new noise technology white paper sounds a bit too good to be true. </p>

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<p>I have pre-ordered, for the following reasons:<br>

<em><strong>1. </strong> </em> I am in a camera club and it just doesn't do to have obselete kit like my 50d or 5d2. Everybody else now has these cameras, and nobody will take my slideshows seriously anymore unless I have a 7D. My 50D and 5D2 will now be going cheap on ebay (both mint, kept in original boxes with silica gel and cotton wool, light use, I don't actually take that many photos I just like to handle my kit)<br>

<em><strong>2.</strong> </em> I love the canon brand so much that I am happy to pay a third more for my camera so I can have it a month before the proles in my club. It also means I can help canon with their beta testing, which is a privilege. Far from it being an inconvenience I really felt I had an input when the mirror fell out my old 5D.<br>

<em><strong>3.</strong> </em> Think of the shots I could miss if I don't get it! the extra 1.5fps could make or break it, the extra 3MP could be the difference between an A3 and an A3+ crop. Not that I ever print that high but its nice to know I could if getty or national geographic ever come calling.<br>

<em><strong>4.</strong> </em> I want to make a feature film, this camera seems just the job. Great! How hard can it be? (is the onboard mic ok?)<br>

<em><strong>5.</strong> </em> Who want to wait until the nikonista press have got their hands on the 7D and spouted their poisoned biased reviews?<br>

<em><strong>6.</strong> </em> I liked the black dots in my early 5D2 images, and I liked the noise on my 50D, I love it when a firmware upgrade comes out to fix an issue that '<em>doesn't exist</em> ', making my new camera even better. Who is a reviewer to tell us that the 'latest and greatest' isn't always so? If it was down to these people we'd still be shooting with EOS 40Ds and 1D Mark 2s. Luddites. <br>

<em><strong>7.</strong> </em> You can't possibly take a decent image at 10MP. I think 18MP will be it, canon can declare the pixel race over.<br>

Can't wait. I'll post an early user review when I get it. I have a feeling it'll be brilliant. My new cameras always are, and I always wonder how I coped before.</p>

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