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advertising on facebook

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<p>I recently joined facebook to help bring more traffic to my website. I'm wondering if anyone out there does advertise on facebook and how well does it seem to work for bring traffic to my website? I'm also wondering if there is any useful tips other photographers are using on there facebook page that might be helpful as well? how well does the facebook ads that you can create work (pay per click)?</p>

<p>This is a different subject but what book keeping software do you guys suggest?</p>

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<p>I spent a lot of money and got horrible results. When I failed to produce results, I hired an "expert" who promptly got worse results. My conversion click rate was 1 in about 40,000. My conversion rate was about 1 in 20,000 click throughs (meaning I spent a boat load of money on not very many sales). I have been doing a lot of reading to see what's going on, and from everything I've read, this is more common than not on FB, and some speculate it has long term impact on their viability. ZD Net has had a lot of articles as well as other industry magazines. I'd stay away from FB and spend your money on Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.</p>
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<p>Yeah... well the thing is the quality of the display is very poor and for us thats worse than not having it.<br>

Do spend on your blog, is the only way to show your belt of standard as it were, and when you do, concise your information to be short and direct. They didn't log on to read your biography nor your reasons or struggles. I find that the least amount of words works best for me. It allows more time to look at my work and leaves then wanting to know more about me, thats important. Good luck.</p>

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<p>I advertised for a couple of weeks, now I'm not the world's greatest photographer so I wasn't expecting to be overwhelmed with inquiries and they certainly met that expectation.<br>

Now I might not have been optimized right but all I got was about 40 fans who don't appear to be interested in my services as much as they are interested in being fans of something. My hope is to get more of my other clients to come back through there (tag their stuff) and then hope that their friends come through.</p>

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<p>Just expand your network on FB and keep your "friends" updated on whats going on while posting new work as well. In our business we've booked about 10 weddings in less than a year of time. It's not worth putting money into it. The other option I'd suggest is theknot.com. I've heard many negative thing but we've had great sucess. We don't even have their "best" option. And were in the Philly market which is flooded with photographers.<br>

Just my thought. Good luck!</p>

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<p>I linked my flickr account a few times in my feed to about 120 real-life acquaintances wihtout any intention of advertising, just sharing some weather stuff, and some still lifes with family and work mates, and picked up 3 leads I never would have otherwise from word of mouth. I'm only semi-pro (i.e. I have a real job still), and 3 solid days of work is likely going to be a nice bonus next month.<br>

I wouldn't actually pay for anything, WOM is the only way.</p>

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<p>Has anybody tried creating a unique landing page for their online advertising efforts? Sending traffic to a non-leaky landing page with a slideshow relevant to your ad & a short form may be effective in capturing leads. <br>

Has anybody had luck with Google's content network? Although it generally skews CTR, it often times has lower CPC's as well as placement targeting!</p>

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<p>I just started a FB business page (Enlightened Images) within the last two months. I was not a FB user, so my sister actually set the page up for me. So my experience for FB has to be viewed as a very newly active user. But the root of my query should cross to all various social media or major search sites like Yahoo or Google.</p>

<p>for Michael Axel & all:</p>

<p>When you talk about conversion and click rates, I'm curious how many of you have clicked on the ads? I know I may have probably clicked on less than five in twice as many years.</p>

<p>I find it quite telling and funny in a sad way about the 'experts' results being twice as bad as yours. I also wonder how much weight people would say is given that poor results are from either poor targeting of keywords or audience? (scope = broad to narrow)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have used both the Facebook Ads and the Google AdWords. AdWords had good clickthrough for the money spent. Facebook was a waste of time and cash. I recently set up an <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/edit/?id=89647428612#/pages/Gainesville-FL/Promethean-Studio-Environmental-Photography/89647428612">Facebook page</a> dedicated to my photography and linked my Flickr account to my personal Facebook account, both of which have started to garner more interest towards my work than the paid Facebook ads. In terms of keywords, I used about the same for each set of ads. I can't say if changing the scope or keywords of the Facebook ads would have helped or not because it performed so poorly in comparison to the AdWords that I haven't thought to put any more money into it. I ran a Facebook ad for 7 days. It had 173,929 impressions and got 64 clicks. My average CPC was $0.63. (US dollars) During the same dates my AdWords ad had only 28,624 impressions but got 32 clicks and cost an average of $0.40 CPC. The number of actual sales created by those clicks, zero. However, I do get many more return visitors to my site now browsing for new content, but I don't have a way of determining if those visitors found me through the ads or through my other marketing efforts. </p>
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