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Canon develops Hybrid image stabilization system


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<p>Yakim, what's the point of your "at last" comment? It's a thread started by you, based on speculation, not fact.</p>




<p dir="ltr">Of course it's speculation but you have to admit. It's a logical one. Apart from the reasons spelled out in the thread it will also give them a marketing edge over Nikon.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>



<p>I'd bet the 100/2.8 macro will be anong the first lenses to see it, if for no other reason than Nikon have a stabilized 105mm macro and Canon probably want to negate that as an argument to buy Nikon. The 180/3.5 IS should be close behind. The Nikon 105/2.8 VR runs around $900 right now, the Canon 100/2.8 macro runs around $575. I would expect an IS version to be in the $900 range.</p>


<p>Very logical.</p>



<p>What would an IS version of the 100mm f/2.8 Macro offer for tabletop work that can't already be accomplished using the current 100mm f/2.8 Macro, mounted on a tripod, using mirror lockup and a cable release?</p>


<p>Give you the possibility of doing the same without a tripod..... :-)</p>



<p>I suspect another reason is that it's not so effective at long exposures. If you can shoot at , say, 1/16s with a 20mm lens without stabilization, I'm not so sure that they'd be able to keep the image stable for a full second (4 stops stabilization).</p>



<p dir="ltr">Current IS system (here with 17-55/2.8 IS) can give you 2 sec. exposure with wide lenses. Here is a pic from last year. I was lying on the grass, embracing myself and breathing slowly.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>



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<p dir="ltr">And here is an example from last month. This one is (at least IMHO) much more impressive demonstration of IS as I was standing and pointing the camera upwards. <strong>No support of any kind</strong>.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>


<p dir="ltr"> </p>



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<p><em>"What would an IS version of the 100mm f/2.8 Macro offer for tabletop work that can't already be accomplished using the current 100mm f/2.8 Macro, mounted on a tripod, using mirror lockup and a cable release?"</em></p>

<p>Not all product photography is done that way, nor done with bright lighting or flash in a studio.. etc. etc.</p>

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<p>"Useful for macro"<br>

Agreed Bob, lateral accelerations also becomes significant for wider angle lenses.<br>

You can be sure that Canon will bring out a 180mm macro IS simply because my wife just got me the non-IS as a 25th wedding anniversary present. I heard this news before I had even mounted the lens on the camera, typical.</p>


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<p>"The Nikon 105/2.8 VR runs around $900 right now, the Canon 100/2.8 macro runs around $575. I would expect an IS version to be in the $900 range.The Nikon 105/2.8 VR runs around $900 right now, the Canon 100/2.8 macro runs around $575. I would expect an IS version to be in the $900 range."<br>

Plus a IS with lateral acceleration as well as the normal radial compensation would actually work well close to 1:1. The Nikon lens got a lot of stick when people tried to use it at life size without reading the instructions explaining the IS effectiveness drops off above 1:60.</p>


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24-70 IS is speculation.. A speculation is a guess... You seem to justify your guess by stating that its done logically..


That justification itself is illogical... Because its not like people speak in what they think is illogical... They all think they make sense..


I'm not saying you're wrong about a possibility of a 24-70 IS, but that statement belongs on canonrumors

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<p>Joe: Given that the forum admin has joined in the speculation, I'm pretty sure we're within acceptable limits here. Surely informed guesses, properly labeled as such, are fine.</p>

<p>I'm eager to see where this new IS is used first. I wonder how useful it will really be, though... while shooting macro hand-held outdoors, I often have to use high shutter speeds, but it's because of subject motion, not mine. Shot a spider in its web on a breezy day recently: That's an exercise in madness, and IS wouldn't have helped a bit.</p>

<p>....Also, for what it's worth, I think around $500 is the current price point for a full-frame 1:1 macro lens, and I think Canon will be reluctant to abandon that. Especially in a market with a lot of very good third-party macro lenses. So I don't see a new $900 replacement for the 100/2.8 macro, unless they've just given up and abandoned that market to Sigma and Tamron. Which I suppose is not impossible, they've done that elsewhere; Canon doesn't even make a circular fisheye, for example.</p>

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<p dir="ltr">Personally I'd like to see a 100/2.8 IS as for me it's killing two birds in one shot. Yes, pun intended. :-)</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">First, it will end my everlasting search for a light telephoto. 70-200/4 IS? Not fast. 100/2.8? No IS. 135/2? No IS. </p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Second, I always wanted macro with IS. I tried extension rings and close-up filters on IS zooms (24-105 IS, 70-200/4 IS and 70-200/2.8 IS) but it was very cumbersome to use so I reverted to true macro lenses, first the 100/2.8 and later the 60/2.8. </p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">For quite some time I even thought about getting a D700 just to be able to attach the 105/2.8 VR to it. Now I hope I won't have to do it. :-)</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>

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  • 5 weeks later...

<p><strong>Interesting looks like an L Macro coming. </strong><strong>Source Canon Rumors (CR3 high):</strong><br>

<strong>Good as Gold</strong></p>

<img title="7D" src="http://www.canonrumors.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/7D-150x150.jpg" alt=""I'm Faster Than You"" width="150" height="150" />

<p >"I'm Faster Than You"</p>


<p>This is from one of my Asian sources, thanks for the info.<br>

I don’t have EXACT specs, but I do have some features.<br>

<strong>Canon EOS 7D<br /></strong>- Dual DIGIC 4<br />- Built in Flash Master (Goodbye ST-E2)<br />- Full HD Video<br />- APS-C (1.6 Crop)<br />- Non Articulating LCD<br>

<strong>3 New Lenses</strong><br />- An L Macro will be released with the new Hybrid System<br />- One other is a non-L lens<br />- The third is a bit of a mystery still<br>

<strong>Underwater Video Camera</strong><br />- We can expect a waterproof camcorder from Canon as well.</p>


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