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Travelling with bulk rolled HP5 in plastic cans...

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The screening machine that humans walk through at airport check in points is not an x-ray machine. It is a stationary metal detector that relies upon the disturbance of a magnetic field to sound the alarm. It has no effect on film. The carry-on baggage scanners do use x-ray to "see through" packages. If you notice the openings on either end and indeed the whole machine are well shielded to protect the operators from excessive x-ray exposure. Reports indicate that these machines use far lower levels of x-ray than the scanners used on checked baggage.


Some reports say that you can pass slow to moderately fast films through the carry-on baggage scanner at least once or twice without damage. Film passed through the checked baggage scanners will almost surely be toast. Film wound into all plastic cassettes should not set off any warning alarms, though if you are carrying a substantial number of rolls they would cause a suspicious bulge in your pocket. Best to keep them in transparent containers and ask (politely) for a hand check.

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"Some reports say that you can pass slow to moderately fast films through the carry-on baggage scanner at least once or twice without damage." that is true, I did that last year on a Brussels-Milan return flight. The film was Tri-X and it went through the carry-on baggage scanner twice, no problems at all.

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