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I may be saying goodbye to camera straps soon...new product


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<p>While I wouldn't put a pro camera with lens and flash on anything like this, it may be an interesting way to carry a second lens that has a tripod collar. But then what would you do with the lens that you take off the camera? I use a Boda lens bag when I want to stay mobile but have another lens or two with me.</p>

<p>However, it could be cool to have a smaller camera on your hip as a back up or for fun shots ... like a Sigma DP2 or one of those higher quality small 2/3rds camera with a pancake 40mm. </p>

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<p>It is great for the company whom selling it. After half an our, you have a sore hip, and you happy, an-till you drop the camera, face down with the lens. Almost, all of the special gadgets, good for the manufacturers packet, I figured out in the last 55 years of my photography.</p>
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<p>One thing about a cam strap is its on your body, so if the camera falls.... you'll generally just suffer a bruise, not a hurt wallet :P<br>

I personally use a R-strap when toting my dslr + 300mm/4 + Flash + Extender<br>

I don't shoot weddings, that thing may work, but I would never feel safe...</p>

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<p>I would still prefer the neck starp than the SH, because the camera is on your chest so it is in the most safe and easy to pickup and click position for the camera. Even if I don't have a strap option than I would like to keep my camera in my hands than the SH because its not looking so comfortable postion for me.</p>
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<p>I've been using a Zing strap for years. If you want a neck strap it can attach as well. Usually I just use the zing as it makes the camera an extension of the hand. I've carried a Fuji S2 and a D700 all day with this and never had a problem. It's amazingly comfortable and I don't think about the camera being there.<br>

It comes with a belt clip, but I don't trust my $3K of gear to a $1.29 belt clip. If I need to free the hands I'll either use the neck strap or just put the camera down for a second. The belt clamp using the bogen mount is an idea I might try though... not bad at all.<a onclick="return amz_js_PopWin(this.href,'AmazonHelp','width=700,height=600,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B0000AB4PQ/sr=8-1/qid=1243628287/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=172282&s=electronics&qid=1243628287&sr=8-1" target="AmazonHelp"><img id="prodImage" src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41tq0DQbulL._SL500_AA280_.jpg" border="0" alt="Zing 580-800 SABK1 Action Strap (Black)" width="280" height="280" /></a></p>

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<p>I do agree with those that point out that it's not much fun to pull a camera out of a holster, only to watch it go flying out a 17th story window (as did my Nikon F, which survived just fine!)<br />

<p>But there is a larger issue not being addressed here.<br /><br />If you're only using one camera, it should never be on a shoulder strap to begin with. Shoulder straps announce that most of the time, you're not paying attention to what's around you, and you're only going to pick up the camera and work with it now and then. They make you a little bit like a ballet dancer distracted by a Blackberry. That brands you as either an amateur/tourist or...<br /><br />If you need multiple bodies at once, you're probably a "true professional", which means being well equipped takes precedence over the intense synchrony between you, your camera, and your environment, that is necessary to grok with fullness.<br /><br />Personally, I've always preferred using wrist straps (like the pictured Zing). And I've always recommended them to people. Using them helps remind you to focus completely on seeing, and being ready, so you're not just walking around with a camera.<br /><br />And if your camera flies out a 17th window, at least you'll die in glory along with it!</p>


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