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Possible to manipulate contrast in slide films while maintaining saturation?

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Is it possible to make Provia less contrasty, without destroying its

saturation, by adjusting exposure and/or processing. I like the

film's sharpness and the way it handles greens, but there is

virtually no shadow density in my sun-lit sceens. I get similar (not

quite so intense) results with Astia. If it were a black & white

film I would know what to do, but not with slides (I understand that

slide film has less latitude than negative film). I've tried some of

the portrait-oriented Fuji slide films, and find them sort of



Am I just unrealistic in wanting both saturation and only moderate

contrast? Do I need to stick to negative film to get closer to what

I want?

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While the Zone System works best with B&W, many claim it can be used on positive color in a more limited way, and there arearticles on this subject on the net. Try a bit of overexposure and underdevelopment on a test roll. Of course, you'll have to find a lab that will do "pull" processing, and to your exact specifications. If you find such a lab, talk to the tech.
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Some folks argue that pre-flashing can help. Among them is the fellow who makes the Expo-Disk. I forget his name but a search should turn up his website.


The Expo-Disk is a transluscent white "lens cap" that is designed to be used to make any camera an incident meter. The maker also describes how to use it for pre-flashing film to control contrast (specifically Kodachrome, tho' the technique would translate to other films).


Worth a look.

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<I>Is it possible to make Provia less contrasty, without destroying its saturation, by adjusting exposure and/or processing.</i><P>That's easy - pull it a full stop. 400F is especially good at this trick.<P>The problem is finding a lab willing to do this for you since pulling slide film is not as common as pushing it. Bracket a roll at half stop increments and stick to the same lab for pulling since different labs will probably use a different 1st developer time.
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