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Epson R-D1x


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<p>This is a major surprise. After discontinuing the old RD-1s and what was pretty shoddy after-service Epson is bring back the RD-1 as the "x" with very minor changes. I note the same lousy rubber cover material that warps and comes off over time. But I am excited about the handgrip. </p>
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<p>No hoax. There is an add for this camera in Japanese. Wonder if Epson will make their batteries readily available this time. Every camera shop I ever asked about batteries in Japan for my RD-1s told me that they did not have any and did not know how to get them. <br /> Well, maybe this time Epson will make a real commitment to their groundbreaking camera. One can always hope, I suppose.</p>
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<p>Is 6mp enough? I have three Nikons, 6, 10, 12mp and the 6mp D50 seems to be the sweet spot as far as a compromise between all the various factors that effect the quality of a photo. Speed, great high ISO performance, more than adequate for an 8"x10" printed page, and LOTS of photos on an SD card. As the cost of a used M8 moves below 3K they can't sell the Epson too close to that price and the reliability will have to be MUCH better than their printers.</p>
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<p>Alex; the battery is just a Fuji NP-80; Kodak KLIC-3000; Epson EU-85.<br>

<br /> The street price varies from 4 to 20 bucks for the non Epson ones.<br>

<br /> The battery is a common one; it is used in camcorders and other digitals too.<br>

<br /> The battery fits the Fuji FinePix camera line; some Ricoh and Kodaks.</p>

<p><br /> Here I have one that will recharge off the 12Volt automobile lighter socket.<br>

<br /> I use Epson; Kodak and Fuji batteries in my own Epson Rd-1 here with no issues at all.</p>

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<p>A 6 or 8 mp sensor hooked up to the kind of processors we're seeing now in the dslrs would be incredible for low-light situations - imagine noiseless 1600 and acceptable 6400+. Too bad it looks like Epson is keeping the internals the same...</p>
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<p>Here is a shot of Orion at an iso of 1600 with the Epson RD-1 with S upgrade; shot with a 50mm F1 Noctilux at F1; with sky fog too. This is fairly a low light situation.</p>

<p><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/ektar/EPSON%20R-D1/_EPS2428500widefull4secf1.jpg?t=1235786213" alt="" width="500" height="752" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/ektar/EPSON%20R-D1/_EPS2428OrionBelt4secF1.jpg?t=1235786148" alt="" width="542" height="748" /></p>

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<p>If a 12mp camera on a 1.5x cropped apc camera is equal to FF 28mp then all you need is an 8-10mp camera.<br>

The problem is that once again we are overpaying for old obsolete technology to place behind very expensive glass.<br>

We should reject any product that disables the potential of Leica, Zeiss and all other high end glass that was meant to be used in a no compromises system.<br>

And what ever happened to "you get what you pay for". I feel that RF users would be better off with a Panasonic G! and adapters than this overpriced piece of yesterdays old technology.</p>

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