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Image Tagging has arrived on photo.net.....BETA!


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<p>Photo.net has an image tagging system for the gallery. This is something I have been wanting for the past 2-3 years and now we've finally got it. I expect that this will increase gallery views for those users who put effort into using it correctly.</p>

<p>I need to point out: <strong>This system is currently a BETA release.</strong> That means we're still working on it. If you find any bugs, please report them here so they can be fixed. This feature may disappear and reappear if we have to fix anything major.</p>

<p><strong>The search page:</strong></p>

<p>This is the search page for the image tagging system:</p>


<p>This link will also live under the "gallery" dropdown menu.</p>

<p><strong>How we got things started:</strong></p>

<p>Because we needed to get things started and have a pile of tags to work from, we set the master computer to searching through a pile of photos to pull out image caption keywords and equipment data. The gallery is too large to do all images, so we did all images uploaded in the past year plus a pile of popularly viewed images in the critique system. We did our best to seed the system with tags, but in all honesty, there are going to be some mistakes. If image tagging is important to you, you will have to go and check the accuracy of the pre populated tags.</p>

<p><strong>How to add tags to an image:</strong></p>

<p>Adding tags is really easy. Go to one of your images, click on details, then click on "click to update tags" then follow the instructions to add or remove tags. When adding tags, separate each tag with a space. To add a multi-word phrase as a tag enclose the words in double quotes. Example tags: photography "black and white" macro. There is a limit of 25 tags per image. Good tags would include location, subject matter, equipment, film/digital, black and white, and so on. Bad tags would be sexual terms, cussing, websites, other photographer's names (in a harassing fashion) etc. Tag abuse will be monitored and you (and your images) will be locked out of the image tagging if we find you trying to cause problems for the system or other users.</p>

<p><strong>What does "Allow additional tags" mean?</strong></p>

<p>In your "my workspace" area, there is now an "allow additional tags enable-disable" toggle. Enabling this allows other users to add tags to your images that they think you have missed. For example, if your photo is of a bald eagle and you have tagged it as: Canon, eagle, provia 100F, "national forect", Washington and someone thinks you should have "bald eagle" as a tag also, clicking enable will allow them to add that tag. Other users cannot remove your pre-existing tags and again, abuse will be monitored. If you do not wish for people to be able to add tags, setting the toggle to "disable" will prevent it.</p>

<p><strong>Can I add tags when I am uploading images?</strong></p>

<p>If you are using the single image uploader, there is now a field for adding tags. As of this moment, the multi uploader doesn't have a place to add tags. The multi uploader is being reprogrammed to allow bulk tagging of multiple images, but it is still being worked on.</p>

<p><strong>I have questions, bug reports, or just don't understand.</strong></p>

<p>Post questions and bug reports here. There will be a full "help" section created for the image tagging system, I'm just not done with it yet. Also, I wanted to see what was confusing to the average user before I wrote the help file.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>

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<p>Josh -- looks great.</p>

<p>- It might be good if the "Clear All Tags" option asked for confirmation.<br>

- Is there a sorting order within the tag search results?<br>

- Has Google image search access to these tags?<br>

- Some auto-tagged images have duplicate tags, for instance if the location is also present in the caption. No problem, but then, duplicate tags probably don't serve any purpose.</p>

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<p>1. Good point<br>

2. There is a default "relative popularity" metric that uses a bunch of data from the server deciding the sort right now. But we're going to change it to a date based newest to oldest default with "relative popularity" and "oldest to newest" as options.<br>

3. That's the plan. But it will take a bit of work to get it working right. Google is pretty secretive about some of this stuff.<br>

4. Yeah, that's a pain. But it is just showing the limitations of the pre-populated tag system. We did the best we could with it, but nothing can take the place of real humans adding tags to their own images. We just wanted to have some sort of a starting point.</p>

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<p>Love the tagging feature but I second Patricks thrid question. Do the tags get added to image metadata or exif? Or do the tags simply improve search functions within photo.net?</p>


<p>I don't think we would ever add the tags to the EXIF data, it seems like that might piss people off. Do other image websites add their tags to the EXIF? Adding to the metadata of the page would make sense.</p>

<p>Like I said, we're in beta with this thing. But the overall goal is to get more sets of eyeballs onto PN user's images. Those eyeballs may come from internal searches, external searches, or other ways. It's good for the site, it makes the community happy, it's good all around.</p>

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<p>We're working on all of that. One of the great things about being a part of Namemedia's group of community sites is that we have access to a lot of SEO (search engine optimization) people who are google whizzes. Right now though, the first order of business is to get as many people updating their tags as possible so we can get the system working from the inside. Then it will be much easier for us to make it work from the outside as well.</p>
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Thank you very much Mr Root and all P.N assistant for your facilities that you are every day providing for us " P.N members " and adding thats is the newset one.I have some offers ,and I think they can help P.N tag system , better , if they solve and or provide:).<br>

P.N tags can not read languages except english or some of them , for example I can't add my shots tag as " ایران " or any other words in persian"Farsi".<br>

P.N tags doen't read DOTS.For exapmle if I tag my shot as " Photo.net " it will preview as " Photonet ".<br>

After selecting a tag , Page will be reaload and open again and It will be take along Time , in my opinion , it will be much better if tags preview emediatly right away after adding tag , such as adding tag system in flickr.com .<br>

Thanks again for your continually tries to make here a more suitable place for photography lovers</p>

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<p>P.N tags can not read languages except english or some of them , for example I can't add my shots tag as " ایران " or any other words in persian"Farsi".</p>


<p>Photo.net is an U.S. based site. While we welcome our friends from different cultures, the site itself is based around the English language. I doubt that we will be adding in the ability to interact with the site in other languages, particularly languages that use different character sets. For one thing, it creates some impossible administration problems for us.</p>


<p>P.N tags doen't read DOTS.For exapmle if I tag my shot as " Photo.net " it will preview as " Photonet ".</p>


<p>That shouldn't matter as the search will read it that way also. Additionally, I'm not sure I can think of a good reason someone would be tagging an image with a word that included a period. If you have a photo of a monkey, tagging it with your website name won't help anyone find it if they are searching for photos of monkeys.</p>


<p>After selecting a tag , Page will be reaload and open again and It will be take along Time , in my opinion , it will be much better if tags preview emediatly right away after adding tag , such as adding tag system in flickr.com .</p>


<p>I'm not sure I understand what you are asking here. You are aware that you do not have to add tags one at a time? You just separate them with a space and you can add multiple tags at once.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>whereas maybe I would like to see a hundred and scroll one page instead of ten.</p>


<p>But you can only have 25 tags per image and they all show up when you click the "details" tab. I guess I'm really confused as to what you are talking about.</p>

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<p>Not tags. Results when using the tag search. Each page shows 12 photos, then you have to go to the next page when you want to see some more. I want to be able to put all the results on one page. Just like putting someone's portfolio on one long scrolling page when I click <a href="../photodb/member-photos?user_id=624975&include=all&unlimit=1">View complete gallery on one page</a></p>
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<p>It would have helped had you explained that the first time.</p>

<p>In any case, the results are limited because it places less drain on the servers. Simple as that. These are pretty intensive database queries that we expect will be used fairly heavily. Perhaps after having some experience with the system, we can examine the database load and see if we can change that any. But the fact that a site like flickr doesn't offer the ability to see 200 images at once from a search would indicate that we are correct.</p>

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<p><strong><em>"It would have helped had you explained that the first time."</em> </strong><br>

Thought I did. No biggie.<br>

<strong><em>"But the fact that a site like flickr doesn't offer the ability to see 200 images at once from a search would indicate that we are correct."</em> </strong><br>

Yeah, but Flickr's not as cool as PN. ;)</p>

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<p>Yeah, but Flickr's not as cool as PN. ;)</p>


<p>Nice of you to say so. We may be cooler, but they have more servers. And if with more servers, they are still limiting the results, I think we are going to end up continuing to do so as well.</p>

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<p><strong><em>Yeah, but Flickr's not as cool as PN. ;)</em></strong><br>

Surely it is right.Thousands of photographs are uploading every minute on Flickr , but most of them are amature photographies and maybe in each 10000 shots you will find only one perfect shot , but on P.N there are perfect photographers and many number of perfect photographs anyday.Photographs on P.N are more professional.<br>

Mr Root , If you want to get it better that you have gone a correct way , look at the links on another great photgraphy site " <a href="http://www.trekearth.com/">trekearth.com</a> " , and see what is it written about P.N .<br>

<a href="http://www.trekearth.com/links.php">here</a></p>

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<p>This is a great addition Josh, thanks. Even at the beta development level it runs very smooth and has not returned a hiccup yet... Yup, I typed in "hiccup" and it found nothing!</p>

<p>I wish Micro$oft could be just half as good with their beta releases!</p>


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<p>Would (maybe?) be nice to be able to tag multiple images at a time.<br>

To illustrate, I am going through my "rodeo photography" folder and adding the tag "rodeo" to each image, but it's a bit of a pain in the keyboard to do each one individually. If, when I opened the folder, 'folder options'; included the option to add a tag to every image in that folder, it would be easier.<br>

Or maybe tags could be added to folders as well as individual photos?<br>

But it might be too much strain on the servers, or too hard to implement, or have other negative side effects; I just don't know. Thoughts?<br>

Thank you, photonet, and the individuals involved for making the tagging feature available.</p>

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