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Anyone advertised in one of these...


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<p>I was thinking about putting an ad/coupon in those mailers you get all the time in the mail (the little envelopes or magazines that have all the different companies ads in them). I was wondering what your opinions of this would be. I would be particularly interested to hear the outcome if anyone else here has put an ad in them. I appreciate your comments and opinions!</p>
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<p>So, here's a question: How many times have those mailings caused <em>you</em> to seek out and do business with someone? Specifically, with someone that charges a lot, like a photographer. You know... carpet cleaning guys, auto detailers, HVAC companies, landscapers - that sort of thing. Have those ads ever actually altered your own shopping behavior? Just something to think about.</p>
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<p>Matt, yeah, I've thought the same thing. Because I have never used one of their coupons.<br />Though, I do usually look at them to see if there is a good deal in there. And you do see the same companies advertising in them again and again, which makes me think that it does get them some business. Or are these companies just not that bright? (asking seriously, not sarcastically).</p>
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A better use of your money would be to target the clients you want to do work with. If you are a baby/portrait photographer, call the hospitals. When babies are born the hospital has a little gift bag they give the parents. Get a coupon in there. If you are into sports photography, how about advertising in your local Little League newsletter, or become a sponsor of the league.<br>

Those coupon mailers are good, but 9 times out of 10 people are going to just flip through them and quickly look to see what's there then toss them in the trash. The guy in my area charges $700.00 per run, not worth the money if you ask me.</p>


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What kind of work are you looking to do? Portraits? Weddings?<br>

Also, do YOU want a customer who's looking for a "good deal" as you do when you're looking through those packets?<br>

For weddings, I've always had luck aligning myself with someone at the locations I want to work at. I find out if they have some special, big budget events coming up and I ask if I can come by for 15-20 minutes and photograph their room setups, food displays, etc. and I compile an album with my website address in each photo. I know that they'll show my work and spread my name because it's in their own interest to show these photos and help them make their sale.....-Aimee</p>

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