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Still one thing buggy with the new editor


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<p>Makes sense. But the original point still remains. If you have just one line space between paragraphs in your original post and then go to edit even just a part of it in the 20-minute editor, even though the line spaces still show in the preview mode, they get stripped out in the actual posting. You actually have to go back and add a second line space to each paragraph in order to get that one space to appear in the edited version.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Yup, this has been buggin me lately, too. The old <p> worked so well. Now it seems useless as are plain ole carraige returns (there's an archaic term for you). If it can catch caps and cussin, it seems like excessive empty lines wouldn't be much more elusive. Good luck and thanks... t</p>
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<p>Yup, this has been buggin me lately, too. The old<br /> worked so well.</p>


<p>That is a matter of opinion. The "old way" worked well if you knew circa 1999 HTML or understood that there was no way to have a single [cr] without it. Frequently we got long posts from people that did know that single [cr]'s wouldn't work and then you just get a huge block of unformatted text.</p>

<p>Single [cr]'s and double [cr]'s work just fine now. They just have different spacing in the text editor than they do in the display. But for anyone who is confused, hey, that's why we have the "confirm/update" page. Look at your post. If it isn't the way you want it, then fix it.</p>

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