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Walmart Processing

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<p>I recently bought a Holga (better late than never?) and shot a few rolls of 120 (two were Portra 400, one was Tri-X). I live in the middle of the suburbs, and the nearest "pro" lab is 30 minutes away. Not to mention they charge ridiculous prices, for example, the $7.00 a roll I paid for the aforementioned film. I'll be buying my film online from now on, thank you very much.</p>

<p>But I digress. I took my film to Walmart today, got some film send-out envelopes, and in the special instructions box, wrote "120-SIZE C41 - 4X4 SQUARE PRINTS." But I forgot to write "DEVELOP" and "SEND OUT." I think, if it ever gets sent out, the lab technicians will realise that undeveloped film can't be printed, and will process it for me, but will the Walmart Photo Centre employees even send it out? don't think they're particularly familiar with photography. Or will my film be doomed to an eternal fate of Walmart limbo? I Anyone had any similar experiences?</p>

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<p>Unless you brought it to the 1hr lab specifically, it will be sent out.  They use different envelopes for 1hr, and most stores cannot process 120 onsite.  I also know that they cannot print them on-site.  Just make sure you're droppng it in the fujifilm drop box, not taking it to the 1hr lab.</p>
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<p>I'm so glad I have a local lab that processes 120 for me same day (I have them process the negs only and they charge me $3.50/roll), and they are about twenty-minute drive for me as well. I usually wait until I have several rolls and then run them over to save on gas and time.<br>

I'm leary of mishaps with careless or uniformed techs, and so the I would consider the $7/roll as good insurance if they are professionals. It just depends on how valuable those shots and your time spent taking them is.</p>

<p> </p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Walmart uses 2 different envelopes for film processing. The blue/white envelopes are for in-house processing while the other envelopes in the kiosk that are white with several different colors are the send-out envelopes. If the Walmart techs open your envelopes, they may realize that the 120 film rolls look odd and call you to tell you that they can't process those in-house. If they are on their toes and see your special instructions, they'll send them out.<br>

By the way, I recently got back 5 rolls of sent-out 120 film (Walmart sends it to Fuji and then Fuji sends it to another lab) and paid only $1.56 per roll for processing AND 3X3 prints! Check out this link and follow the instructions EXACTLY and you will get your 120 film processed at Walmart. The first time I sent only 2 rolls to test Walmart's process and it took 2 weeks but I was satisfied. Then I sent out 3 rolls and got them back in 7 days!<br>

Here is the link...<br>

<a href="http://forums.skateperception.com/index.php?showtopic=157892">http://forums.skateperception.com/index.php?showtopic=157892</a></p>

<p>This is my only local option because no one else will do MF developing. Give it a try.</p>

<p>ps--It is trendy to bash Walmart film processing but I've had nothing but great results with my local Walmart. </p>

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