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What will be a good lens combo for M6TTL

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My preference is 35/50/90 and 135 if you need it. Most of my usage with my M6 was 35 & 90, although I occasionally used to use a 24 and for those cramped moments a VC 15 Heliar. Having a Visoflex for nature work (macros or long telephotos) is a must if you don't have a separate SLR. You just use the lens which gets the job done!
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Pretty much what Stephan Zwick said. You want a PJ look and environmental portraits. Wide-angle lenses are

good for the PJ thing because they give a "you are there" look. And you don't want a long lens for environmental

portraits, because you want to include the surrounding area.


But a lens as wide as 24mm isn't everyone's cup of tea. If it isn't yours (you didn't mention 24mm), the 28/50 combo

might be for you. A 28 still gives a good sense of air and space to a picture, and is easier to handle than a 24. The

M6 does not have a 24mm frameline, and that is another consideration. You would need an accessory finder. Not a

bad thing, but some people resist them. An M6TTL with 0.58 finder is ideal with the 28/50 combo. It's less good if

you ever add longer lenses. Be aware that the M6 (and MP and M7) has a very undersized 50mm frameline,

though. It covers the same area as a 60mm lens on my SLR. You have to learn to "think outside the box"


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It's important to state your budget, otherwise you'll get responses that are outside your constraint.


For a top quality, low cost, latest lens combination, I would recommend the 50mm f2.8 Elmar Collapsable, and the 35mm

Summicron Asph. As has been suggested, the 24mm is a must-have lens for PJ work.


Some people spend sleepless nights pondering such things!

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I hope you're using the Leica as a quickie camera since every working photojournalist i know is digital and might have a Leica

as a quickie film backup or to do their personal work with.. The demands for instantaneous upload have made film obsolete. On

the other hand if you're doing documentary work then your Leica is still extremely useful.

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28 for the depth of fields that is much much deeper than a 35mm and a 50mm for the classic perpective and restricted frame. Otherwise 35+90 maybe! The best would be 28 50 90 that may be possible as prices vary a lot between versions :an elmarit 28 (one before last before asph (V3?) + old summicron 50 (the current v is pretty old now) + not too recent summicron 90. All this is not that expensive with a quality almost identical to actual lenses (28+90). For 35 summicron V4!
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