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Canon, Are You Listening?


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<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>Is it just me or is Nikon truly eating Canon's lunch? I've solely been a Canon shooter for years with the 5D as my entry into the digital world. I like Canon. But, they don't seem to be keeping pace with Nikon. I won't claim to be an expert by any means. But, it just seems like Canon just isn't keeping pace. Perhaps they don't feel they have to and probably don't. But, it sure would be nice if Canon produced camera with:</p>


<li>Full Frame Sensor</li>

<li>6+ fps </li>

<li>Quadruple the AF points of the 5D</li>

<li>Increased ISO sensitivity with decreased noise</li>

<li>True to life (well as much as possible) preview screen</li>

<li>Touchless sensor cleaning</li>


<p>Again, I like my 5D. I like Canon. I just want more.</p>

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<p>The only reason Nikon can provide 6+ fps and superior high ISO performance is because they have stuck to a lowly 12 MP body! For daylight users the 5DII is vastly superior to the similarly priced D700, not to mention the way overpriced D3. Nikon has nothing, in the price range, that can compete with a used 5D (I).</p>

<p>I have used Canon film and digital slrs for over 20 years and have been a Nikon user for 2 years now. I only switched for the ability to use manual focus lenses more easily. From my viewpoint it is Canon that is still ahead of the curve with full frame bodies.</p>

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<p>I'm not familiar with the 5D or any of its successors', but just spending a very short time in the Reviews here on PN would indicate that your question/comparison is probably "uneducated" with just the difference's in your first two points!<br />1. It is a Full Frame Sensor<br />2. Yeah the 5D was just over 3 fps, but the 5D Mark II is capable of 13-14 fps with a UDMA CF card in RAW or RAW+JPEG Large/Fine.</p>

<p>If Canon no longer suits your needs/requirements or budget, . . . then maybe it is time for a change! Or at least look to upgrade to the 5D Mark II, but you should do your own initial research!</p>

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<p>John, Sony is the foundry building the chip, but Nikon designed the sensor for the D3, D3s, D700 and D3x. Don't blame Nikon for making a business decision that it was cheaper to outsource the construction of the chip than it was to build an entire foundry. It is more akin to how Apple uses Foxconn to build their iPhones.</p>
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<p>Sorry for the confusion. My mistake. The first listed item shouldn't really have been there. I meant to say I wanted a full frame body with the rest of the listed items. And, Ilya, my IQ is well above 50. Thanks for the concern.<br>

James, I wasn't aware of the higher frame rates with the 5D MK II and those cards. That bit of info escaped me when I looked at the specs shortly after it came out.</p>

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<p>I don't really see the problem with people having their own wishlist of what they would like to see in an ideal camera - the thing is, however, that if you ask a 100 photographers you are probably going to get 100 different sets of answers - and there is just no way Canon will ever be able to make a camera that makes everyone happy.<br>

For example, my own "wishlist" looks like this:<br>

1) Full frame - I have too many lenses that I cannot really use to their full potential on my current crop camera.<br>

2) Higher FPS rate than the current 5DII<br>

3) Similar size as the 7D or 5DII - the 1D series is just too big.<br>

4) Better AF system than 5DII has<br>

5) Built in GPS for geotagging.<br>

I couldn't care less about video capability or some of the other features Canon is busy putting into cameras - am I ever going to get my "ideal" camera? Probably not, but perhaps I might get some of my features, which would justify an upgrade for me.<br>

There is nothing wrong with wishing for a specific set of features, but don't blame Canon for "not listening" if you don't get exactly what you want - there are too many others with different wishlists.</p>


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<p>"Canon EOS 5D Mark II Review"</p>




<li>Approx. 3.9 frames-per-second (fps) continuous shooting at maximum image size with bursts limited only by memory card capacity (JPEG, Large/Fine images in high-speed continuous mode) when using a UDMA CF card or up to 14 in RAW, up to 13 in RAW+JPEG Large/Fine</li>



<p>I don't know what it will do in the "real world," I was just making the comparison based on <strong>some very short research </strong>from the "Reviews" of both the 5D and 5D Mark II.</p>

<p><em><strong>Possibly I was mistaken in my insinuation of Robert trolling!</strong></em><br />But Roberts . . . <em>"is Nikon truly eating Canon's lunch"</em> in his opening sentence, and his first point <strong>indicated</strong> (to me, at least) <strong>that the 5D was not a Full Frame sensor</strong>, (which should be common knowledge for most OP's, especially for one that indicates that he owns a 5D) indicated that either he was <em>trolling to start the Nikon vs Canon flame</em>,<strong> (We already have enough of those unproductive posts!)</strong> or, either <em>trolling for someone else to do his comparison/upgrade research!</em></p>

<p><strong>If I am interpreting Robert's post in error, then I apologize!</strong><br />But would suggest that he "rephrase" his question, . . . do his own comparison research, . . . then ask some educated questions.<br />My intent was in no way to "drive off" or leave a "sour note" to Anyone!</p>

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<p>robert, look up the specs on the 1DsMkIII. It covers the first 3 items on your list and the MkI version was in production long before Nikon sold there first full frame camera. A lot of people are expecting a MkIV version sometime this year which would address the remiaining three. </p>


<p>2. Yeah the 5D was just over 3 fps, but the 5D Mark II is capable of 13-14 fps with a UDMA CF card in RAW or RAW+JPEG Large/Fine.</p>


<p>No the 5DMkII is only 3fps but it has a buffer that can hold 13-14 RAW frames before it fills up. It is very difficult to make a full frame mirror box that can handle 8fps.</p>

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<p>Canon, Are You Listening? <br>

<br />Probably not. They have focus groups run by people who are experts in knowing what the executives want to hear. How else did we get the Edsel?<br>

<br />You also have to be aware of the "not invented here" mentality of corporate executives. "I'd rather close the doors than incorporate a Nikon idea."<br>

<br />I wish they would listen to their customers. You might not have hit exactly what the majority of digital photographers want, but by taking all the various customer wants into account and marketing a product that address the majority of them companies just might come up with a big seller and increase their market share. <br /> </p>

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<p><em>Not to rock the boat</em>, but I've yet to see the Nikon model with the mirror that sometimes gets loose in the camera (sort of like a Canon 5D feature....)</p>

<p>Nikon's D700 high ISO works. Not much more to say.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Me, I want a camera not a computer. I sit all day infront of a computer . 6/8/10/100 fps I could care less. That just means more time sitting infront of an overloaded computer sifting through a bunch of pictures .<br />As long as I can shoot 4 fps once in a blue moon that's fine with me. Shooting in low ligh not an issue, I bought allot of expensive flash gear for nothing ? although I got to admit getting printable pictures at over 1000 ISO comes in handy, but 12000 ISO common shoot like a man ! GPS, face detection, video, live view might as well put a coffe maker in there. Why not just build a fool-proof, dummy camera that takes perfect picture every time. Really, after you get over the gee--wiz 'Wow' factor, you barely use any of those fancy features anyway... <br />Things that are important to me are: Flash compensation of 3+/3- stops or more, double exposure, weather sealing, system accessories, wide AF coverage, not a bunch of points crowded in the middle of the viewfinder, Auto Sensor cleaning, Full Frame with BIG FAT pixels exposure lock, buit-in Grid. The 5D Mk II has more than half of these features already. Oh I forgot, please get rid of that real time exposure light meter it drives me nuts.</p>
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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3902637">John Tran</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Frequent poster" src="http://static.photo.net/v3graphics/member-status-icons/1roll.gif" alt="" /></a>, Aug 19, 2010; 11:30 a.m.</p>


<p>Nikon does not even have a full frame sensor, "it's a SONY". Maybe Sony should buy Nikon like they bought Minolta.<br>

Hey sony big enough now Hell why Not mite as wells control the market then:</p>


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<p>that's the 1DS III with 5fps. The 1DS IV is due sooner or later. Wait for that and see if your satisfied. No, I didn't read a rumor site or anything, but its their flagship line and is the only one left without HD vid. Its gonna happen sometime. Be prepared to sell your first born.</p>
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<p>I actually switched to a Canon 5DMII because Nikon's D700 only has 12 mp. Come on, now, 12mp on a FF sensor? Sounds fishy. Even the D90 has 12 mp! <br>

I'm not going to wait around till Nikon gets it right, and I certainly won't spring for the $7K D3x.<br>

In my opinion, Canon's the one that's got it right.</p>

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