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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #34


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<p>Great pictures already this week, I was also amazed by the fantastic pictures last week and so many great comments. I missed the comments of the troll, but the reactions were interesting. I left a big comment on that and on some pictures (at the end of the thread, again!), so if any of you are interested. I was just in time, because shun closed the thread just 16 minutes later.<br>

Now for this week, I made a visit to a park that is close to my parents house and made some pictures. Taken with the D90 and Nikon 18-200 @ 62mm F9.5 1/180s</p><div>00UFkV-166303584.thumb.jpg.ae327a09fe9ce49eaf4ed41f31300332.jpg</div>

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<p>A snap of a Hurricane on short finals at Shoreham airport with Lancing college in the background. I have been practicing with my new Sigma 150-500 whilst the Battle of Britain flight prepare for next weekend's airshow. Sadly, the fields seen below the chapel are where a Hurricane crashed, fatally, during the 2007 display.<br>

D700, 250mm. F5.6 @ 800 iso 400. Shutter speed too high for prop blur. Must practise more...</p><div>00UFkW-166305784.jpg.6736e0bc7d8cc10ac6fdae42541be78f.jpg</div>

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<p>@Sjoerd: I thought I'd comment on your post last week on the trolls, but Shun was faster and closed the thread just a few minutes before I intended to post. So here is a Norwegian Troll (this is not my image, guys, so it doesn't count as my contribution this week!): <a href="http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Theodor_Kittelsen_-_Skogtroll,_1906_(Forest_Troll).jpg">http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Theodor_Kittelsen_-_Skogtroll,_1906_(Forest_Troll).jpg</a><br>


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<p>Good morning! Already great photos (it's 5 am here) and it gets harder and harder to post a decent one on this ever climbing standard. This week I tried a night out with my camera and here is one of them - crazy Times Square. Quite impressed by f/1.4's speed and Times Square's ridiculous brightness at night.</p><div>00UFl8-166311584.jpg.e2b84bd80bb1e9a6ab6b4058459bf1c4.jpg</div>
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<p>Last week was the annual Woodward Dream Cruise here in suburban Detroit - 40,000 hot rods and classic cars and 1,000,000 spectators. Chrysler Corporation displayed some old-time drag race cars including this one, the "Detroit Shaker," an A/FX (Factory Experimental) 1964 Plymouth Belvedere with, of course, a hemi. A/FX cars were the precursors of funny cars. The Detroit Shaker was sponsored by Hodge's Dodges on Woodward in Ferndale, Michigan. Hodge's is still in business, but, sadly for lovers of Detroit iron and goofy rhymes, it's now Hodge's Subaru.</p>


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<p>Good Morning WedNEsDAy :)</p>

<p>Great pictures already and seems many more to come (seeing the past WedNEsDAy response).</p>

<p>Mine is from few weeks back when it was raining in new england. It's HOT mid-90's everyday :( . This was taken just after the rain and rain drops looked beautiful on flower (refreshing feeling).</p>

<p>Model: <em>NIKON D40</em> <br /> ISO: <em>200</em> <br /> Exposure: <em>1/60 sec</em> <br /> Aperture: <em>4.5</em> <br /> Focal Length: <em>35mm (Nikon 35mm f/1.8G)<br /> </em></p>

<p><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/SnNmoxaRJuI/AAAAAAAAAbk/MW_YNFAhdVY/s800/DSC_4026-1.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Thanks for looking<br>


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<p>Good Morning!<br>

We just returned from a month at our cabin which was wonderful...but, it's also good to be back. As usual, there are many really fine shots up today already. This is an evening image of where I spent the last month. It was with my D300, Sigma 10-20mm zoom at f8, 1/200 sec, iso 200, 15 mm, handheld from my boat.<br>

Have a great day, everyone!<br>


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