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Really REALLY need yalls help!

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Hey guys,

There is this scholarship program called NANPA. It's for high school photographers. Out of all the people that enter,

they will pick 10 to go to New Mexico next year. Part of the application process requires me to send in three photos

that best show off my photography expierence. The problem is I can't make up my mind! Like my three best photos

are of deer but wouldn't it be smart if I shwed some variety in my photos? Should I send in 3 deer, or 1 deer, one

sunset, one flower? IDK


So I'm asking if yall (my fellow photo.net ers) would go through my portfolio and choose three (3) of what you think

are my best WILDLIFE/NATURE photos?


Thanks in advance,


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I would pick:

1. The one of two deer together, in color, with one deer looking to the right, out of frame.

2. The one with the Cardinal at the feeder.

3. The one of the waterfowl being passed by a boat.


I would pick those three shots because each of them has a "portrait" quality to the subject animals. Almost

anthropomorphic, these pictures show personality and reaction in the animals. The black and white of a deer with its

head turned back, looking over its shoulder, would be a close fourth. The expressiveness of the animals' eyes, their

body positions and their relationship to the viewer through composition are all strong. Also interesting was the shot of

the birds near water as a boat passes by; that photo tells a story of contrasts between what the people are doing and

what the animals want.


You definitely need to include at least one photo of the big game; the deer would be a good choice. Also, that waterfowl

shot I mentioned is another good one. The reason why is because these types of photos show that you are serious

enough about what you are doing to get your act together and go where the animals, the desirable subjects, are.


The photos of the cats and the cardinal at bird feeder have value because they show expressiveness. Of the two types,

the cardinal is the more valuable because it is a wild, untamed animal, even though it is at a feeder. Domesticated pets

like the dogs and the cats are certainly more lovable, but there are thousands and thousands of dog-and-cat photos out

there because they are easily available subjects.


Good luck. You're doing great as it is. They should probably invest in you. J.

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