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Maximising Studio Income


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hello everybody!<br>

I have a nicely equipped little studio in Byron Bay Australia (popular coastal tourist town).<br>

I would like to generate more income through this space and would like to hear from those that have managed to

generate steady traffic without repeated spending of money on advertising.<br>

I shoot fashion and the occasional portrait yet would appreciate any advice or guidance as to how i can create

more of these and perhaps broaden my market.<br>


Much appreciated<br>



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Or you can choose to rent your studio space outside the hours you would normally use it for day to day business. Contacting local photo clubs and building relationships with them might help. This might eat into your free time though if you have to supervise their activities and requires a good level of trust.


Depending on what you focus on you might rent out facilities to pro photographers that don't necessarily have their own studio space i.e. wedding photographers. So long as their core business does not conflict or invade your own business interests..


Offer photography evening classes for studio photography. Local schools/colleges may even be able to advise you about local/government funding and grants to support this kind of activity.

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