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Holy Mother


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The above discussion disturbs me considerably. I am seriously hoping that the moderators will step in here and take control of the situation!


This thread clearly must be moved to an archived section of Photo.net where it will be preserved. It would be tragic to let what is one of the funniest threads on this site, evaporate into electronic nothingness.

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They say that we see what w want to see in images like this, I'm sure its really Pamela Anderson, or a Roman God for those inclined!


A similar thing happened in Sydney a while back, when several fence posts lined up it looked like the Virgin Mother, they came in droves for that one?

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See, now, Laura... I'm not too worried about Mr. Smokey Satan Face Guy, there. I'm more disturbed by the fact that I'm seeing a large, flaming orange teddy near floating above him. I can't believe that the 9/11 conspiracy nuts haven't spotted this already. Obviously the Steiff company, in Germany, was behind the whole thing.<div>00QdaV-67161784.jpg.4d5a868e270ccde8b23849d5806857d4.jpg</div>
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You haven't handled kids' psyches properly, Lex, until you've tucked them in at night and read them a couple of

passages from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struwwelpeter" target="_blank"><b>Struwwelpeter</b></a>. Ah,

those Germans. <i>They</i> know how get you thinking about your childhood manners! My wife distinctly recalls her

first encounter with Peter... an illustration of a misbehaving child having his fingers menaced with a giant pair

of scissors. So much art made by German adults starts to make more sense, when you take all of the baggage into

account! (no offense to our German brethren, here - but how can one <i>not</i> have a joke at Stuwwelpeter's


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<i>As the bible says, a perverse generation will always look for signs and see signs that don't exist. </i><P>


The Bible says a lot of things, much of it superstitious nonsense and contradiction.You may as well look for truth in

a toilet bowl.

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"The Bible says a lot of things, much of it superstitious nonsense and contradiction.You may as well look for truth in a toilet bowl."


Go on then, give us an example.


Slagging off what many consider sacred should really be accompanied by a bit of evidence.

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Looks like a good candidate for a round of Mad Libs, everyone's favorite word substitution game. C'mon, kids, let's play a round or two before the summer's final bus ride ends, shall we?<p>


<i>"<b><u>Noun or proper noun</u></b> says a lot of things, much of it <b><u>adjective</u></b> <b><u>noun</u></b> and <b><u>noun</u></b>. <b><u>Pronoun or proper noun</u></b> may as well <b><u>verb</u></b> for <b><u>noun</u></b> in a <b><u>noun</u></b>."</i><p>


Wow, that was a lot more fun than recklessly offending millions of people and generally deflating what had been an amusing thread. Let's not do it again sometime, shall we!

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Speaking of seeing things that ain't there...


Have you ever noticed the secret to the most successful female TV news readers? Their mouths make little valentines when they talk. I noticed this many years ago with popular local news woman Jane McGary (KXAS in the Foat Wuth/Dallas Metroburgh). I can't even watch her without cracking up laughing. Turn the volume down and it looks like she's blowing little valentines. Robin Meade has kinda the same thing going on, tho' with her lips it's more like those inflatable valentine shaped balloons.


Try hard enough and you can see anything you want. Like Mr. Spock's face in the floor tiles in my bathroom...

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