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Some new site features/changes...


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A few new things were added or fixed on the site today:


<ol><li><h3>Security Question</h3>

<p>Photo.net now has a security question you can use to reset your email in the event that you lose access to the

email account that you registered with. PLEASE everyone go to your workspace, click on <a href="

http://www.photo.net/pvt/basic-info-update">"update basic information"</a> (or click that link) and set up a security

question and an answer. It uses up a fantastic amount of my time, and creates a significant amount of annoyance

for users when they cannot gain access to their accounts due to having changed their email address.




<li><h3>Auction system removed from classifieds</h3>

<p>The "auction" system in the photo.net classifieds has not worked for literally years, it just confused people

with it's pointless existence. So it has been removed. The photo.net classifieds are a great place to buy and

sell gear. But if you REQUIRE an auction system, ebay is a far better place to go.</li>



<li><h3>Link to sender's photo.net page when being contacted</h3>

<p>When someone uses the "contact this member" function to send you an email, the email will automatically

include a link to the sending member's PN page. That way you do not have to try and guess from a first name

or email address who is talking to you.</li>


And finally, at long last...


<li><h2>The ability to use stylized punctuation or accented characters on photo.net</h2>

<p>After too many years of seeing question marks when you copy and past from word, or strange gibberish when you

try to use a GPB symbol or an accent grave, photo.net will now display these characters the way they are supposed

to be displayed. Go ahead, try it out:




Good times all around.

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<i>>"Get yersulf a gud diktionry ..."</i>


I dis agree. Sum times a good dictionary (ore even a grammar chequing function) does not due much good too help you to learn too spell write or two right moor better, specially if your knot to bright too be gin with. Fore that yew knead a good teacher. ;-) ;-)


On a more serious note, #3 and #4 are <s>well come</s> welcome changes/additions. Thank you.

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As a former teacher...grammar and spelling are two different, yet related issues. That is why some versions of Windows Word Processor have different colors to point out your errors, red was spelling and green was grammar. Like I told my students, "You have to fix BOTH colors". You know, an alarming amount of them claimed to be color blind...


"Fore that yew knead a good teacher. ;-) ;-) " - that isn't all you need...LOL!


Of course, typos happen to the best of us!

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New features are great!<br>

My browser (Mozilla Firefox) does all the spell checking, it underlines all mistakes and gives suggestions so you can correct the mistakes. No grammar checking though, yet I am certain there is an add-on you can download and use for that.

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