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Shooting Glamour Shots of 25 Women - Pricing


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I have a possible upcoming photo shoot of 25 women who will be having make-overs done (something similar to

Glamour Shots). They will have a professional make-up artist doing their make-up and are asking for before and after

shots. Once I'm done with those shots, some of them would like to do some intimate portraits. I'm sure this will be

just about an all day affair. My question is, "What do I charge for these glamour/initimate shots?" What kind of

packages can I offer them? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Have you done any glamour/initimate shots before? We don"t know enough about you or your photography enough to

make a determination. Are these women models or are they wives that want pictures for their husbands.

There is a tradition of time for prints for a models time which is beneficial to both parties.


If the women were not models I would shoot for free and charge a per print price, but I don't shoot for a living

and even though I have done many paid portrait settings I consider that field a learning experience for myself,

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Thanks Robert. I've not shot glamour before. These are 25 wives and single women that simply want to have some glamour shots done and some intimate photos done. I like the idea of shooting and charging the per print price. I was thinking offering $10 per sheet (8x10 or 2-5x7 or 8-wallets on a sheet), something like that.
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Dear James and Nathan and others,


I posted this on another area of the forum - would appreciate any helpful answers on my question, which is similar.



how much to charge for this kind of fashion photography?(Category:Fashion, Business)


Can anyone give me suggestions on what is fair value to charge for this scenario. 40 portraits being taken in the client's

home. The portraits are to be used in a possible book that the client wants to try to get published. They are "before and

after" shots of 20 different people. The client has a special skill at altering the model's clothes to make the model look

much better in the after photos. So, the client dresses up the model first in the badly fitting clothes and a "before"

photograph is taken. Then, the client pins and nips and tucks and tapes the clothes into position, and am "after"

photograph is taken. There's a bit of photoshopping done afterwards. For each set of the 20 pictures, it takes about 3

hours to set up the models, so it will be 20x7 or 140 hours of time if the photographer stays there and waits. Then,

maybe 1 hour of photoshopping per photo, so 40 hours of photoshopping. The photographer was a racecar photographer

years ago and quite good, but hasn't been working much as a photographer in recent years (had to go out and buy an up

to date camera). What is a fair rate for this please? Thank you for your help!

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