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TMAX 400 and HC-110 with method H

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I'm had less experience in B & W (actually just a little bit in TMAX and HC-110 in method B).


the question is, I want to try process 2 rolls TMAX400 at one time with HC-110 in method H...


So, Do i need to add more HC-110 ?


If so, how many i should add ? and How long should i process for this case ?










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You have to have enough working-strength solution to provide enough developer concentrate to adequately develop the

exposed silver in the roll of film, and to adequately cover the film in the tank. Whichever of these two solution volumes is

greater controls how much developer working solution you need. In most cases, you'll wind up using more concentrate

than is theoretically required to develop the film because you need a larger working solution volume to physically

submerge it in the tank. On the other hand, you don't want to overfill the tank, either.<br /><br />


Dilution B is 1+31 from the syrup. With HC110 I'd not bother making the stock solution--just pick up one of those

syringes for kids' medicines from the drugstore and measure the syrup with that.<br /><br />


If you're doing two rolls you need 10-12 mL of syrup--again, someone may correct me, but 5-6mL per roll is the minimum

quoted on <a href="http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/hc110/" target="_blank">Covington's "HC-110 Unofficial

Resource" web page</a>, and is what I've always used. Say it's 10 mL--you need 310 mL of water to mix it with (300 is

close enough––you'll be adjusting your times anyway.) So now you have around 320 mL total working solution volume.

This is enough solution to develop the silver, but is it enough to cover the film in the tank?<br /><br />


I use a Jobo, which is pretty economical with chemistry, but I need around 350 mL of solution to physically cover two

rolls of film in the large Jobo tank; so I need slightly more syrup than the minimum, at 1+31. I typically use either 1+30,

1+40, or 1+50 dilutions, rounded to make life simple; at 6mL per roll or 12mL for two rolls, this gives me about 372, 492,

or 612 ml of final working solution for two rolls, if I've done the math right. In all cases, this is enough to cover two rolls

of film in the Jobo, but not overfill the tank.<br /><br />


@Andrew, if I understand your question, you want to make 600mL working solution at dilution H, which is 1+63 from the

syrup. This means a little more than 9 mL of concentrate, which is not enough for two rolls of film. At dilution H, you'd

need a minimum of 12mL syrup + 756 mL water, or 768 mL final solution volume. As long as you can get nearly 800mL of solution into

your tank, you're good to go. If not, then you'll be able to develop only one roll at a time.

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