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Pileated Woodpecker: better--but not good enough.

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Is it just my computer monitor or does anyone else see a white outline where the body meets the bird? I only get that when I oversharpen in PS. I agree much better capture this time around Dave. Does the K10D offer mirror lockup (or 2 second delay after mirror lockup like the K20D)? The mirror flipping up prior to shooting at that distance might be the culprit from getting "Woody" over the top regarding sharpness.
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I'd love to get closer, Bob, but the effort (and competence) required to build a closer vantage point is farther beyond me than the bird.


I think you're right, Doug--thanks for pointing it out! I'm generally pretty conservative about sharpening but threw caution to the wind with these. The effect was surprising (and generally welcome) but it looks like I overdid it a bit. I'll try a pp do-over based on this experience and result.

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''Christopher S. [Frequent poster] , Jul 14, 2008; 10:04 p.m.


Very nice Dave.


That Woodpecker is a pain in the ass to get. I believe they are smart and like to tease us...''


Actually, I was thinking the same thing. I have yet to capture a good one. It is like they know they are being shot and turn to the other side of the tree....

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Daniel: "Get a MUA (make up artist) for your subject?" LOL & Thanks! BTW, I was hoping you'd also weigh in regarding trap focusing on Alisa's BIF thread just above this one.


Thanks also, Javier--prints will tell the tale. I did much of the sharpening just before converting to jpeg so the tiffs should be a good starting point.


Also I just figured out a way to get about 50' closer: my 2nd floor tenant will be out of town this week-end which means I can set up the tripod on the flat roof outside her dining room. it could work if the weather cooperates--and the bird shows up.

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Thanks, Mis--I outsource the printing (that's a world of complication I'm content to avoid for now) and really haven't had all that much done to date so I'll try a couple of versions to get a better feel for how much sharpening is required (or, put another way, how much sharpening I can get away with ;~)
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It's purely a subjective, nit-picking thing Garry... but once you start seeing the "oversharpening" white line it tends to really start bugging you (at least me)... The bird itself has been good in all of Dave's photos.
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