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what do you think of my logo

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Hey all Photography is not my only hobby, I coach peewee football, and I will be photographing the teams I dont

coach. I was going to just give the files to the parents but money is kinda tight right now. So I decided to sell the



I was also thinking of visiting other local youth sporting events and selling there as well. I started an online account at

photoreflections.com and now I am working on business cards or flyers to hand out, so parents know where to order

prints. I was just wondering what everyone thought of the logo.<div>00Q9zz-56857584.jpg.5e7badd0214d1e2b7218b4708e5aadbc.jpg</div>

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First impressions are that you should be able to connect with your market that you are aiming at. The colourful lettering is arranged in a logical sequence and evokes thoughts of the well established Toys "R" Us brand name.<p><i>I was going to just give the files to the parents but money is kinda tight right now. So I decided to sell the prints.</i><p>Have you worked out some sort of pricing structure yet? I would never give away anything, if you are intending to build a business out of this...
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I was thinking of charging

$5.00 for a 4x6

$10.00 for a 5x7

$15.00 for an 8x10


Online prices would be $2.00 more due to the comission, but they would be able to use a c.c


I was going to give them away and just charge for materials (cd's).

But like I said moneys tight (my wife is'nt working right now) so that changed real fast.

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Honestly, I think that you can make it look more professional. You don't want a logo that appears like it took 3 minutes

to create. Less is more I know but it's missing some character.


I'm not sure if the name conveys your specialty. Pride-n-Joy makes me think of toddlers. What is the age range of your



Something like Little Tykes Photography seems more apt to get the message across.


Also, the word "photography" should definitely be more prominent in the logo.


Just my 2 cents...good luck with your venture.

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I agree that it looks too "slap-dash." The strokes are also too smooth/straight to look as though they've been drawn by a child, so it doesn't look genuine. Lastly, never letter in yellow. The letters disappear, especially on a cheap LCD monitor with blown out highlights.. If you want multicolored lettering, I'd suggest orange instead.


I think you could probably achieve what you want with a real font done in multiple colors -- and even with a forwards "N". The colorful lettering would be just enough of a childlike hint to carry the message.

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One thing to keep in mind is that you have the word "pride" in it and it's a little rainbow colored. Before reading your post, and just looking at your logo, I assumed you were gay. After reading your post, I don't think you are, and nothing wrong if you are. But that was my first impression.
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