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Canon EOS 5D discussion: after the Nikon D700

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Sometimes it's not good to be too good. Nikon ruled the professional photography market from the 1960's to the 1990's. Then Canon, with a loyal die-hard following, who was sick and tired of coming in second place, began making a comeback.(Does this remind you of the Sox and Yankees) Canon began producing high-quality lenses at a slightly lower price that exceeded the specifications of Nikon lenses.


They also came out with some innovative features that were featured in some of their top-of-the-line cameras such as the EOS-3 and the 1Ds. Meanwhile, Nikon slept and snored. They were so self assured of their position as the premier Pro-Summer camera manufacturer, they didn't even wink.


Then came the 5D, a full frame Digital camera that almost put a nail in Nikons coffin. Nikon was so self assured, they had refused to listen to their customers demands, sort of what like Canon is doing right now. I think Nikon got sick and tired of seeing a bunch of white lenses at sports and special event functions. What turned them around was probably the D200.


I don't think there ever was a camera that got so much attention except maybe the Canon 5D. The D200 offered allot of the features that professional and enthusiast photographers wanted and it was pretty. Meanwhile Canon stuck to their hard line of offering dependable, plug-and-play cameras, with exceptional lenses.


It is very interesting what is going to happen next. For years photographers have been complaining about Canon cameras being feature-free and not having any weather sealing exept for their higher Pro models . Canon has failed to listen to those demands and who could blame them, their cameras usually work under the most demanding conditions.


It's not only Nikon now, you have other manufacturers such as Olympus, Pentax and Sony that are putting out some cameras packed with features that sort of have you second guessing if you are a Canon owner.


Whatever happens, the competition should be a boom to us consumers. Hopefully the prices might come down. Right now the D700 is selling for about $3000, while the 5D is going for about $2000. I would aassume that the price for the succesor to the 5D might be around the price for the D700, but you never know what might happen.

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Well, no matter what Nikon or Canon come out with, it's gonna be damn hard to beat the image quality one gets from a 5D and quality glass. The D3 and D300/700 aren't any better, they just have all the latest doodads. To get an appreciably better image, you'd have to get into a 1DSMKIII or whatever 20+ MP body Nikon develops. But lets face it, cameras in that class are out of reach for the vast majority of us.


Though it will certainly be replaced very soon, if you don't need all the new stuff that the latest generation of bodies comes with, the 5D is a helluva camera at it's current price. It was a helluva a camera when I bought one at $2900.


As for me, IQ is my top priority. I don't need a high frame rate, weather sealing etc.for the kind of photography I do. If you're a PJ or other kind of pro, it's good to see these features becoming available in a sub-$5000 body. AFAIC, no sense and running out to buy a new camera because it has features I don't use. Although I know many people will.

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Steve, I agree with you. I looked at everything that you just said, and I went and bought the 5D for $1900. I know it's about to be out-classed, but for the current price, it's one heck of a bargain.


Regarding the Nikon-Canon discussion in general, I agree with Colin. Competition is great for the consumer. I am not really worried about Canon losing it's edge and becoming and also-ran. It is an innovative company, with a lot of resources behind it.

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Since the 5D already has 12.7MP, there's very little doubt the 5D MkII will "outpixel" the D700. Probably 15/16MP.


Since everyone knows that whoever thas the most pixels, wins, it looks like Canon are going to be taking the lead back pretty soon.


"Yeh, the D700 is good, but it's only got 12MP...I'm waiting for the D800 16MP version"

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If Canon is smart they will do the same thing with the 5D mkII that they did with the 10D: lower the price point for that segment. Nothing would scream "in your face" like introducing a 5D mkII with 16 MP, faster FPS, high ISO, weather sealing, all the recent innovations like LiveView, AND introduce it at a price point of, say, $2000.


Of course that's assuming they have a model with specs like that ready to go, and can make a good profit at that price.

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>>>>>>>>Nothing would scream "in your face" like introducing a 5D mkII with 16 MP, faster FPS, high ISO, weather

sealing, all the recent innovations like LiveView, AND introduce it at a price point of, say, $2000.<<<<<<<


I'd be all over that, like yesterday.

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I think the D700 will be everything I wished my 5D to be apart from the pixel sharpness if the D3 is anything to go by. I also don't like the more agressive Camera noise reduction system of the D3 to boast high ISO performance, it doesn't fool me. Bodies come and go and 6 months is about the novelty period. I think a lot of people expect some magic when they buy a body like it is going to suddenly make massive differences. I think the biggest difference you can make to your system is invest in a top quality lens rather than another body upgrade. If you have great lenses and the money then great! a body upgrade is cool. My wish list for the next 5D is the old rumoured speck of the 3D a smaller than 1dmk3 body similar shape and body spec, full frame 16mp similar ISO to the 1dmk3 and the same focus system, yes it rocks!. 5 f/s or more 10 preferably (I'm spoilt with the 1dmk3). A built in ST2 flash controller I already have one but wish it was built in. Also a crop mode so it can go down to 10mp at much higher f/s. I also would think an economy version called the 7D with the a similar sensor but 40D quality body to keep the enthusiasts happy. A real live view like the one in the sony would be nice. I think I probably will stick with what I've got, a 5D and 1dmk3 I don't think I will be tempted. not for the next 6months or so while they iron out the bugs like I waited almost a year for the 1dmk3. Being an early adopter is a bad move, after reading the tears on dpreview with the 1dmk3 AF fiasco I bought mine when all that dust settled and Canon finally resolved its issues, luckily mine has been awsome.
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Hey :-) Faleh thanks, I thought I was in for a treat to see some great pics LOL! im shocked it's my one's on dpreview. I appretiate the kind gesture, I'm also happy that even though the dpreview guys are really tough were very appretiative of my photo's I did another series also on there. I get more out of dpreview comments than the silly childish games some play here. My latest shot here I resubmitted 4 times again and again repeatedly deleting then resub, one persistent Ars_ h_L_e would you believe insisted repeatedly that I deserved 3's in my ratings eventually he gave up as I kept deleting then submitting again. Finally I have no 3's on that shot. I won't be posting for ratings here again, let the rate mafia win! with their point and shoot pics. My shot previous to that got flooded with the anon bot 5 or 6 new membrs. Also the shots you linked to my fav shot I got anon 3/3 man was I shocked when I was told from an admin it's prob someone who doesn't like the subject. I say nonsense. Below average! when I haven't seen anywhere on this site any real detailed flying D.fly shots. How come the ones that are highly rated at the top some with mediocre images dont ever get attacked with the anon 3's prob coz they run the show :-( thanks anyway man I prob join Pbase and build up a gallery there when my 1yr subs runs out, Best Rgds Necip
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Personally, I'm not quite sure what "features" the D700 has that would make the majority of people view it as

better than what is commonly expected for the 5DmkII. Price is only an issue to those just getting into a system.

I don't care if Nikon sold the D700 for $500...I have $8,000 in Canon glass and accessories. <br>


One of the biggest reasons I switched systems last year wasn't price, megapixels, petty features, or ISO. These

numbers mean very little when someone is holding each camera in their hands.



<li>It needs to be ergonomic. You're going to be holding this thing for hours on end...potentially with 15 lb.

lenses attached to the front of it. It's got to be comfortable. </li>

<li>Convenient functionality. Having to hold down three buttons and rotate a dial to change the ISO is going to

make me miss at least a few shots and that's not cool.</li>

<li>Customer Service! A lot of Nikon reps are a pain in the ass. All of the Canon reps I've met are helpful,

friendly, and give away free stuff left and right. </li>

<li>Trust. I have difficulty trusting a company that can't even provide their dealers with updated catalogs.</li>



The D700 = good news for those that didn't grab the D300 yet. Nothing more IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I just wanted to add that I was harsh in my previous comment, this is a great site and what I like most of all is the fact that admin didn't delete it, it shows that this is a mature professional site that doesn't hide comments regardless if it criticises the site. There is a good balance of freedom to comment. This I respect the admin a lot for maintaining, I also appretiate it's a lot to expect admin to deal with every little issue. I'm pleased with the way things have been handled especially the 3/3 anons attacks. It would be nice if it didn't exist but not a big deal. Keep up the great work making this crit site the best on the net.
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I'm new to the forum and all of this talk is very confusing. Between the D700 and Canon. I'm trying to follow along

because one day I need to buy one. I have two old Pentax camera, five lenses and using film. Now, mind you I still

like film so I would like to have a new 35mm Camera like Canon along with a nice DSLR Camera for action sports.

I'm currently taking soccer pictures of my children but hoping to venture out to other people in a few weeks. This is

all confusing! Kristina

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